Marie arrives home from school and meets the manchild who will change her life. He may be the perfect man; her younger sister, her sister's best friend and Marie's married neighbor all seem to think so.
After the world gets bombarded by the comet in Apophis in 2035, the heads of states of vast European countries (all young female Blondes) are now permanently stranded in Venezuela, being there for a summit, hence at the mercy of their Venezuelan counterpart (angry Brunette) whom they had belittled and criticized far too often in the past. Now they pay the ultimate price.
I did in fact manage to misplace a Billion dollars but I am not a thief. I still think the handcuffs, the cavity searches and the rest of the hijinks in prison was a bit too harsh as I am totally innocent. Well, at least innocent of stealing a billion dollars.
The story of a woman, handed over to a African to be pick-up for an educational class. She begins a sexual relationship that turns into a horror event as she is abused. In desperation she seeks her original companion - read on