Happy Slappers - Cover

Happy Slappers

by uniformvicky

Copyright© 2005 by uniformvicky

Erotica Sex Story: Based on a current craze for videoing assualts on strangers using a mobile phone a whole new craze opens up. All you need is a bit of bottle, a state of the art phone. And a uniformed policewoman.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Rape   Lesbian   BDSM   Humiliation   Interracial   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence   .

Part 1: A Multimedia Phenomena is Born

The three girls were on the prowl. They had to do something to outshine the lads. It was so horny though, the grainy cell-phone video of their 3 boyfriends all having rough sex with a randomly chosen woman. She didn't look like a hooker and she really didn't look like she had agreed to it.

So Jackie, Ciara and Kylie had jumped the bus into town looking for a pissed up girl that they in turn could abuse. They had to go one better than the lads. They were going to outdo their gang rape video with one of their own, but this one would be lesbian rape. They'd not really thought very much beyond that.

They'd picked a bad weekend in town though. It was the annual gay and lesbian festival and the town centre was packed, there were no single women, there were just great huge crowds of dykes and poofs, no one that they could separate from the herd. They were fit some of them though, them carpet munchers. Kylie, the peroxide blonde, pointed out that they'd be fiddling with boxes on video by the end of the night. It was odd, none of the girls had ever had lesbian feelings but the sight of the girl on the video being abused made them sexually determined to do something similar. Their collective nerve was failing though, where would they find the right woman? It was then that they spotted her and they hatched their plan, it was so simple, the lads would never be able to outdo this, this wasn't a double dare, it was a triple dare.

Woman Police Constable Kate Silverton hated nights like this. There were hundreds of coppers on duty in the town centre so why was she the only one that was dealing with crime whilst all the others stood around like overpaid lemons having their pictures taken standing next to poofs wearing their helmets. She drank her bottle of Lucozade and waited for the next pointless call on her radio. She didn't notice the three teenage girls who had been watching her with such interest, all she heard was her radio crackle to life and tell her that a security guard had reported a possible break in.

WPC Silverton was in her mid twenties and pretty in a classic mould. Tall with rounded curves she was still athletically slim and professionally aloof to the point of frigidity. It was a barmy summer's evening and she had dispensed with her hi-vis jacket and her stab vest. This left her dressed in her black patrol boots, black trousers, white short sleeved blouse (flimsy enough to make out the white bra underneath), black and white cravat and black helmet with the black and white chequered band. And of course there was the belt with rigid hand cuffs and side handled baton. She ran her fingers through her short dyed blonde hair as she climbed out of the patrol car in the deserted car park. She put her helmet back on and tapped it into place, more out of nervous habit than necessity.

She drew the long maglite from her belt and started to explore the back of the building that was supposedly broken into. Nothing, the informant wasn't even on scene, no sign of a break in. There it was, in the far corner, almost hidden from view by that rubbish skip. It looked like the bottom of the security grill had been pulled away. As she walked over to take a closer look she was caught in the glare of the motion activated light. Temporarily blinded by its intensity, she squinted her eyes to keep the light out whilst she wondered at the stupidity of putting a light there where no one could see it.

Thus distracted she was completely taken by surprise when something heavy and solid struck her between the shoulder blades and she was thrown to the ground winded.

She was not stunned for long but she had so little time to try and identify who was attacking her that she was beaten almost before she started to fight. She had fallen virtually flat on her face, one of her assailants, probably the one that had hit her planted both knees squarely in her back, pinning her down. She felt a hand come round her shoulder and rip her radio hand set off the loop in her blouse and pull it free of the radio, throwing it away into the darkness. The loop had torn away with it, leaving two half inch long tears in the white cotton. Next the hand ripped off the clip-on cravat and her assailant wrenched her head back and shoved the square of material into her mouth.

Kate kicked her legs and tried to scream but the improvised gag kept her effectively silent. She was some distance from the nearest main road and invisible to anyone who was stood more than a few feet away. Two more pairs of hands had grabbed her, a pair grabbing each of her wrists and pulling her arms around so that they were flat along the ground in front of her. Then she heard the metallic click and felt the heavy hardness of her own rigid hand cuffs locking her wrists together. Thus secured the person on her back stood off and the two people holding her wrists hauled her upright onto her knees but kept her arms above her head. They discovered via the scream through her gag that they could ensure compliance by just pulling sharply back on her arms. It was then that WPC Silverton got to see one of her assailants and was somewhat surprised.

It was a girl of about 18, 19 at the oldest. She was dressed quite plainly in jeans and a skinny t shirt. She appeared to be west Indian, young and firm bodied with the devil may care look of the Caribbean.

'Let's see what we got then.' Said the girl. She didn't have a heavy accent, far from it, she was actually quite well spoken. In her hand she was holding a mobile phone with the camera pointing at Kate. 'You know, I've always wanted to do this to one of you bitches.' Kate braced in fear as the girl grabbed the front of her white blouse and pulled it apart, sending the buttons flying in all directions.

WPC Silverton's bra was now openly displayed and the young girl leant down grabbing her 38C bosom and shook the older woman's tits. From the laughing, the policewoman realised that her other two assailants were girls too. Kate gasped through her gag as the girl opened a flick knife with a deft movement of her wrist, but the girl just leaned in and cut the front strap of her bra freeing her breasts completely.

'There you go boys, get a load of these puppies.' She was speaking onto the video recording, which only made it sound more sinister. Holding the camera in her left hand she pinched Kate's left breast between her thumb and her fingers and shook it up and down harder this time. Wrenching hard on the skin making the policewoman moan into her gag and tears well in her eyes. 'Constable titanic tits aren't you.' For a laugh one of the girls holding her arms grabbed her by the helmet and nodded her head up and down for yes. 'Anyway we ain't got long so we best get on with this.'

WPC Silverton was forced down onto her hands and knees. The girls holding the camera in one hand grabbed the policewoman by the hair and forced her head down out of shot of the camera. The other two girls removed the utility belt and the waist belt of her uniform trousers, and then yanked her trousers and white cotton panties down as one. One of them started laying into the constable's buttocks with the flat of her hand but was told there wasn't enough time left on the phone's memory for pissing about. Instead they took the truncheon and tried to stuff it up the blonde's cunt. It wouldn't go. It was too thick and her legs were held fairly close together by her trousers around her thighs. They tried a couple of times but they only managed to get the older woman to squeal and jerk forwards.

One of the girls then had an idea. She took the truncheon and spat on the end, she got the other girls to do the same so that the end was wet, dripping with their saliva. She gave it another try at the policewoman's sex and this time with an almighty shove it went right up. She began to work it back and forth. This gave the video a fantastic sound track of Kate's squealing sobs followed shortly by a squelching as she involuntarily began to lubricate. This was what the girls were after. The one who had been handling the baton suddenly withdrew it. Cold air was suddenly introduced into to the supine woman. Kate sagged in relief but not for long. The warm wet truncheon was pressed against her puckered anus and with both girls pushing was thrust inside her. This time the improvised gag failed to contain the scream. Kate thought that she was going to pass out.

The girl with the camera suddenly pulled the policewoman back up by the hair so that they got a shot of her face contorted with the pain and humiliation at the violation. It was a bonus that her helmet and epaulets were clearly framed in the shot. Then they pushed her over onto her side and disappeared into the shadows as Kate lay on the hard concrete crying. Ciara was already dialling the number to send the video to the boys' mobiles.

The security guard watching on the CCTV monitor kept the tape rolling as he set off to go outside and get some himself.

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