The divorced Amanda and her 17 year old daughter Claire move into an old deserted house by the coast. She hears rumors that the house is haunted but dismisses them as speculation. After a strange visit to the attic, she has an unusual first night inside the house and goes to the police station to report being assaulted. The friendly policewoman Roxanne decides she will spend the night in the old house with Amanda and Claire to see if there really are ghosts present.
Charlie is back. He is ready to start his final journey. The voices told him to collect the seven sisters together to deliver the message of the divine one to the unbelievers. He is well on is way to completing his final spectacular mission.
Janet is a mild-mannered teacher who is suddenly thrust into a new teaching environment that threatens to emotionally break her. How will she turn the tables?
Nikki, the uniformed Girl Scout selling cookies gives her new prospective purchaser a good peek at her official Girl Scout panties. When the delivery comes to his door late one night, The young sixteen year old Nikki has her mom the Girl Scout master in full uniform with her to deliver all fifty boxes in a special way to try to make him a "repeat" customer using every trick of the book in sealing the deal.
A young mad scientist creates a pair of cybernetic chips to control a robot, and then a dog, with his mind. Then things get sexy when he meets a quadriplegic girl who will do anything to be able to walk again.
Proper Women (AoK-ASS) is a collection of perverted short stories written and edited by Mike McGifford and myself. He's a genius who can breathe life into a vignette and transport you somewhere in a single chapter. His writing is so good, that I collected the very best ones to share with you. A few of my own thrown in.
Mike gave me permission to curate and publish the best ones. Each chapter will be self-contained and not related to the next unless noted.