The IFS Zephyr was to be the greatest wonder of the world: A heavier than air flying machine, capable of carrying dozens in style. On its maiden flight, it was shot down. Now, the only survivor - a roguish half-orc inventor named Rayburn Cog - must puzzle out the reason why it (and now himself) are the targets of mysterious assassins. What is more, Ray himself has been inextricably linked to an ancient prophecy...that spells doom for all of Arcanum! / (Reviews)
Modern-day Marine Steven Harris is seriously wounded and on a flight to Germany for further treatment. Instead, he awakens in 200 BC Rome. Aside from wondering how the hell he ended up there--or if he was merely dreaming--he wonders how to go about supporting himself. Then he learns the "why" of his transfer and his life becomes a bit more complicated.
A great secret and vast power has been passed down through time from woman to woman -unknown to man- since the ancient days of the gods. The last guardian was Sappho of Lesbos. Then it lay dormant for nearly two millenia... where my story begins. A long but hopefully most enjoyable story.
Daniel Chandler's purchase of land leads him to delve into his family's history. A fascinating story unfolds complete with a mystery. He also finds romance on the way.
A story in the The Medieval Marine Universe
For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. Marion of York is now Queen of England. The question is: will the rest of Europe accept her without her destroying her family?
Yuma, is a story of a young man who is kicked out of New York City in 1921. He's given a new name and a train ticket, then told to get the hell out of town. This is a story of a time in history of hard work with few rewards. A story of a young woman with a dream and a man with a past, who come together at the right time to make her dream become reality by sheer determination and hard work.
This is a traditional western tale of a young Deputy US Marshal who is just starting out with the Marshal's Service. His skills are second to none. His experience, though minimal, comes at him hard and fast, with each sunrise and sunset. Come ride with him, as he makes his way west.(Formerly titled Yondering)
A Poacher's Progress Story (5) It is said that travel broadens the mind, and Jack Greenaway enjoys a plethora of new experiences during his visit to Europe, ranging from the sublime to the terrifying. However, three factors drive Jack's peregrination through the continent. One is his quest for his disappeared sister. Another is investigating the whereabouts of Eloise de la Zouche, the woman responsible for the deaths of Jack's wife and children. The third, and most exacting, is the machinations of the British government.
A Poacher's Progress Story (2) This book follows on from Duel and Duality, and how Jack survived the duel is revealed. His life then becomes a series of surprising encounters and episodes. He meets some old friends and makes new ones, including females. He rubs shoulders with writers and meets a military genius. He revisits Waterloo, learns of the aphrodisiacal properties of cheese, and ploughs furrows- and madges. He avoids being fatally seduced, kills several more men, goes on a voyage, and he falls in love, again.
A story in the Lucky Jim Universe
Okay, so I lied. I wrote another Lucky Jim story. This tale begins in southwest Virginia in the "colonies" a few years before the American Revolution. For my readers in Britain, sorry 'bout that.