Mike Irvin unexpectedly finds himself legal guardian of a cute, curvy fourteen year old girl named Calley. His intentions are honorable. Calley has other plans. A self centered manipulative fiancee isn't exactly helpful... but the boss' daughter...
An unusual farm girl discovers passion from an unexpected direction. This is a relatively old story, in fact the first I felt good enough about to show to others.
It is a time of awakening. So many questions. Such frustration. Yearning unfulfilled... until an unknown presence appears In The Darkness. Was it her returning sister or long departed mother? Was it real or a dream?
A great secret and vast power has been passed down through time from woman to woman -unknown to man- since the ancient days of the gods. The last guardian was Sappho of Lesbos. Then it lay dormant for nearly two millenia... where my story begins. A long but hopefully most enjoyable story.