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Author's Description:
A great secret and vast power has been passed down through time from woman to woman -unknown to man- since the ancient days of the gods. The last guardian was Sappho of Lesbos. Then it lay dormant for nearly two millenia... where my story begins. A long but hopefully most enjoyable story.
Size: 984 KB (181,392 words)
Genre: Historical
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Tags: Mult, Consensual, Mind Control, Magic, Lesbian, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Science Fiction, Historical, Paranormal, FemaleDom, Polygamy/Polyamory, Sex Toys, Nudism

Review by Derek Smith   [other reviews by Derek Smith]


This is an interesting story and should keep many readers entertained for a few days, as it is quite long.

Sadly, the author has at most, a tenuous grasp of English grammar! The reader's enjoyment is likely to be marred as he or she stumbles through page after page of clauses and phrases masquerading as sentences, bizarre use of capital letters, and incorrect words. If only Thaumaturge had enlisted the help of a good editor, he or she would have produced a very powerful tale.

This is not really the type of story that I tend to read but once the plot had caught my imagination, I was compelled to continue.

Perhaps Aphrodite had something to do with that! If you want to understand this last comment, you will need to read the book.

Plot: 9 | Technical Quality: 6 | Appeal to Reviewer: 7

Review by Paw Writer   [other reviews by Paw Writer]

Reviewed: - (Review Updated: )

'A great secret and vast power has been passed down through time from woman to woman -unknown to man- since the ancient days of the gods. Then it lay dormant for nearly two millenia.'

Those are the first 2 sentences of the synopsis. Gladly, the secret is found by an ethical and moral woman and she creates The Sisterhood and passes it on to other woman with like beliefs. When she did IT CHANGED THE WORLD.

That describes the basic idea of this story. It is a story for and about women, by it can be enjoyed by either sex. It has lesbian women, but it is not about lesbianism, if fact many of the women are bi-sexual. If has all of the categories mentioned in the codes but it is not primarily about any of them. It is about what could happen when a group of good people blend science, magic and love in a good way.

The story is VERY well written. The characters are well developed, believable and memorable even though by the end of the story, the number of main characters are at least 25. I found myself believing that the story could happen (and wishing it would). It even has a real live goddess join The Sisterhood.

The story is very well edited. It is not short, at well over 1 MB 0f story. However, I found errors in less than 1% of the story, mostly ones that would not be caught by a spell checker and only by rereading a few times.

I don't believe the sex contents is labelled correctly. It should be Minimal Sex. There is NO literal sex, only implied and they only Make Love, not f***.

The author mentioned that he tried to publish this story. I am glad and saddened he didn't. Glad because we here at SOL were the first to read it and saddened that the rest of the literary world didn't get the chance to read it, yet.

After reading this story, I rated it a 10. As I write this review, others who have read it seem to think the same, since it is rated over 9. I would recommend that it be widely read. It should be a classic.

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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