“Photo Finish” is a series of books that chronicle the life of Nate Hart, a boy growing up in the late 1960s with a singular passion for photography. It extends from high school through post college and includes his relationships with many women.
Nate Hart, class of 1968, has just been uprooted from his lifelong home in Chicago by his mother’s new career: Methodist minister. Moving to a small town in northwestern Illinois just before his junior year in high school, means starting over. But Nate’s passion for photography leads him to become the new yearbook photographer. The girls in his school think of him as the 1966 equivalent of a selfie-stick. No one will see their naughty photos, right? / (Reviews)
TRIGGER WARNING: Could be difficult for Vietnam combat veterans. If you suffer from PTSD, you might want to take a pass on this one. Nate learned to find his place in the town of Tenbrook, upsetting a few community standards where racism and veteran care were at issue. Ready to start his senior year in high school, Nate has a girlfriend or two, a studio for for his photography, and a blossoming business. And the responsibilities that come with turning eighteen in 1967.
Fresh out of high school, Nate is ready to face the world as he heads to college in Chicago. Before his summer is over, though, he has more models to photograph, both in Tenbrook and in Chicago. He has five girlfriends to keep satisfied. And he has his share of heartbreak to face. Then there is the unexpected trauma of going to school in Chicago in the fall of 1968. Nate’s principles and commitment will all be tested before he finishes the next eighteen months.
Photographer Nate Hart is halfway through his sophomore year in college and has had another round of fights with his local draft board and the crooked ex-constable who is using the Selective Service as a cover for his personal vendettas. The rest of this year will be packed with learning, models, and life with his girlfriends. And adjusting to Beth’s long absences.
Photo Finish Book 5. Nate’s last two years of college are filled with adventures, building his business, and strengthening his family. International travel for school interim experiences exposes Nate to different cultures and long-lasting friends. The production and release of the movie he is consulting on brings notoriety to Tenbrook—some of it unwanted. And his battle with Clyde Warren continues to immerse him in hot water.
Nate and his three girlfriends have graduated from college at last and prospects are good—except for the draft board insisting Nate still has to complete alternative service. But Nate's alternative service will be unlike any that has gone before. It leads him all over the world as he and Ronda visit embassies to install new passport cameras. And there are those in the world who don't care about diplomatic immunity as Nate is hijacked, kidnapped, and sent to the heart of the war zone.