Reluctantly I accept my Executive Assistant's 15-year-old daughter as a summer intern. Events and a devious imagination combine to result in a most intensive -- and invasive -- education for my new protege.
A Harvey Marcus Retrospective (6) This Retrospective brings Mr. Marcus to a new threshold: sex with a family member. Circumstances beyond his control take him out of town to visit his brother-in-law and his family. Relatively speaking, Mr. Marcus's won't-power (or willpower) has been brutally pummeled by the previous four encounters (or en-cunt-ers). Will he hold the line against incest?
My niece Amy's parents laughed when she told them she wanted a penis. I took a more -- uh -- experimental approach, investigating how we might get her one. Before we were done, Amy decided borrowing rather than owning was the right option for her.
Freshman Frank is told by Brad, his senior pal and good friend, that the pretty girl in the cafeteria likes him. Surprised to learn that, he is coached on how to build a relationship. Anna had flirted with him unsuccessfully and felt shocked when he flirted with her. Later, she wanted to know about his weekend with the cousins that he didn't want to tell her about. First, they kissed, then they learned more about each others past. Her mother took a liking to him. Anyway, it gets better.
A Solider gets out of the space force and finds a home and new life on a pleasure world. First with four daughters of slaves and then running a fishing boat for tourists.
Designing and fighting machines was a hobby. When fleet came to him after a match they did not give him much choice. They wanted a new armored combat suit and they wanted him to design and building it.