Taking A Hit - Cover

Taking A Hit

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Chris is a 16 year old forward on the high school soccer team and 23 year old Julie is his coach. After taking a brutal hit in a game Julie takes Chris to her apartment to tend to his injury but things go a different direction when Julies sees the size of his cock and he sees her changing her clothes. Julie decided to become the teacher for Chris's awakening sexual life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Cream Pie   .

Julie Barnes watched in horror as the tall, lithe Wilson Red Hawk forward shot down the middle of the soccer field toward her teams' goal, the ball moving from foot to foot as he easily raced towards scoring the winning goal. A wave of disgust shot through her body as she realized what was happening then, out of nowhere, Chris Bolton raced down the sidelines then crossed in front of the Wilson forward, kicked the ball loose just before their bodies collided. The crush of the two boys' was loud enough that Julie could hear it clear across the field. One of Chris's teammates intercepted the errant ball, kicked it downfield and scored. The game was over and Julie's team had won their fist playoff game of the year and the crowd was going wild.

When Julie looked back to the middle of the field Chris was still lying on the ground writhing with the pain the collision had caused. The Wilson player had already gotten up and was standing there starring down at Chris. Julie ran onto the field and got down on to her knees next to the boy. "Chris? Chris, are you all right?"

"Uh... I think... so. Hurts... hurts a lot, my left leg hurts."

"Where at honey?"

"In... in my groin." He pointed to his left side.

"OK, just lie still and let me check it out." Julie felt around his thigh muscle then moved up to his groin. There didn't seem to be anything broken and she figured that it was probably a deep tissue injury, something that needs a little heat and some rest. "I think you'll be OK, nothing that a little heat and rest won't cure. God Chris that was some stop you made on him!"

"Uh, thanks coach."

Julie looked around at Chris's teammates standing there. "Jim, go grab Chris's sweats and bring them over here please."

"Sure thing Ms. Barnes."

When Jim got back he helped Chris get his sweat pants on then he and Julie helped Chris over to Julie's minivan and into the back seat. "Look Chris, I'll go ahead and drive you home then you need to make sure your mom or dad gets some heat on that thigh."

"Thanks Ms. Barnes, I will."

Julie, following Chris's directions, drove to his house and pulled into the driveway. "Wait here Chris and I'll go get your mom or dad to help me get you into the house."


Julie walked up to the front door and rang the bell and waited. And waited. After a couple of minutes with no answer she walked back to the van. "No one's answering Chris, are you sure that your mom and dad are home?"

"Oh God I forgot, they went to my aunts for the afternoon, they won't be home until dinner time, I'm sorry Ms. Barnes. Look, I'll just get the spare key and go in and lay down"

"Well I'm not comfortable leaving you all alone, not with that injury and I don't think you can take care of it by yourself anyway. Look Chris let's go over to my apartment then I'll bring you back when your folks get home, OK?"

"Uh sure, if it's OK with you it's fine with me."

Julie got back into the van and drove to her apartment. She parked in the street in front of her door, got out and opened up her apartment then went back to the van and helped Chris into the living room. "Look Chris, you lay here on the couch while I park the van."

"OK." Julie left and Chris looked around the tiny apartment. He was laying on the couch in the living room. Straight ahead was a TV and off to his right was an efficiency kitchenette then to the rear was, apparently, Julie's bedroom. He didn't see any sign of a bathroom.

Julie returned and tossed her purse on the coffee table. "Before I get you settled in and some heat on your thigh, do you need anything?"

"Could I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, let me help you." Julie helped Chris up off the couch and into her bedroom and then into the only bathroom in the apartment. "You can do this by yourself I hope."

Chris blushed at the suggestion that he might need her help in going to the bathroom. "Oh, sure Ms. Barnes, I'll be fine."

Julie left Chris to do his business and went out into the hall closet and got down her first aid kit and searched through it for the jar of analgesic balm. Finding it near the bottom of the kit she pulled it out, closed the lid and put it back into the closet. She set the balm down on the coffee table then went to check on the Chris. When she got into her bedroom she called out, "You all right Chris?"

"Yea I'm fine, if you could just help me back to the couch."

Chris opened the door and Julie came inside the tiny bathroom. She took Chris's arm and put it around her neck and started hip-walking the boy back out to the living room. Chris realized as they walked that Julie's right breast was pushing into his side and he idly wondered if she was wearing a bra. It wasn't much of a stretch of his imagination to go from there to thinking about the possibility of seeing her naked tits. When they finally got to the couch Julie helped him sit down then she fluffed up the pillows for his back.

Looking around once again he just blurted out. "Gosh Ms. Barnes, this isn't a very big apartment."

"Yea I know Chris, but I'm only 23 and this is my first teaching job out of college and it's really all I can really afford on my salary."

"Oh I didn't mean to be critical or anything like that, I'm sorry. I guess I just thought a teacher would have a bigger place, that's all."

"That's OK Chris, apology accepted. Look you'll need to get out of those sweat pants and shorts so I can apply this balm to your leg. Let me get you a towel to cover yourself."

"Uh, well all I'm wearing underneath is my jockstrap."

"I know and it's OK Chris." Julie walked into the bedroom and came back with a bath towel. "Let me help you, lift your butt and I'll slide off the sweats."

Chris did as she asked and Julie easily pulled off his sweat pants. "Good start, you feeling OK?"

"Yea, just a little pain, that's all."

"Good, now for the shorts, lift up again."

He lifted his butt and Julie slid his short off and down his legs. She was more than a little surprised when she looked up and saw the size of his jockstrap, God she thought he must have a seven-inch cock growing inside that cup! Jesus he can't be much over 15, what will that baby look like when he's full-grown? She grabbed the towel and handed it to Chris.

"Thanks Ms. Barnes." Chris took the towel and spread it out over his lap. He had seen her looking at his jockstrap and was embarrassed at being so exposed to his young teacher, even if she was his coach.

"How old are you Chris?"

"Sixteen, I'll turn seventeen this summer."

"Hummm, for some reason I thought you were a bit younger. Oh well let me get some of this analgesic balm on your groin. Have you ever used this stuff before?"

"I don't think so, what does it do?"

"Well for starters it smells terrible, very... oh I don't know, medicinal I guess. It will feel a little cold for just a minute or so then it gets real warm. This is absolutely the best stuff there is for pulls and tears, gets heat right to the effected muscle area."

"OK, that sounds good to me."

"Good, now let me check out your injury." Julie moved the towel so that it was off his left thigh but was still covering his groin. She reached out and began to gently knead the muscles around his thigh then moved up to his groin and it didn't take her too long to find the injury; it was directly inside his thigh, adjacent to his left groin muscle. She grabbed the jar of analgesic balm, scooped some onto her fingers and began to gently rub it into Chris's groin. Her fingers were massaging the muscles from the top of his thigh, inside and down past his balls and almost to his butt. She knew that she was dangerously close to touching his balls and cock but there wasn't anything she could do about that, not if she wanted to apply the ointment where it was needed. As she massaged and massaged and she could see him responding to her gentle touches, he was lying back with his eyes closed, but his cock was getting hard.

Chris lay back on the couch, his eyes closed while his teacher and coach massaged the ointment into his thigh and groin muscles. As the heat mending ointment was applied he could feel her fingers coming closer and closer to his cock and he knew he was getting a hard on. Oh God, he thought, please don't let this happen to me, please!

At first Julie was embarrassed for the boy then, as she saw the tip of his cock peeking out of the top of his jockstrap, she got intrigued. Her mind wandered as she massaged him. She wondered if he was a virgin. Had this boy ever made love to a girl? What sexual experiences had he had and what were his fantasies? She decided to tease him just a little and see how he would respond. She let her fingers wander down closer and closer to his balls until one finger gently brushed his cock through his jock strap.

Oh goddamn, he thought, she's touching my cock and I can feel the tip pushing up and out from under my jockstrap and I think it's leaking cum. I can't believe that she is doing this; it has to be an accident. I mean, why in the hell would a beautiful teacher want to tease a 16-year-old dork?

As he responded to her touching him Julie decided to go even farther in teasing her student and when the idea popped into her head she quit massaging his groin and replaced the towel over his lap. "Look Chris, while you relax and let the balm do its work, I'm going to take a shower and get cleaned up. Would you like anything to drink before I leave?"

"A soda would be great."

Julie walked out to the kitchenette and popped open a coke and brought it back to the boy. "Here you go Chris, I'll be back in just a little while, and you just lay there and relax." She walked into her bedroom and swung the door closed, but not all the way shut, it was still open about six inches. She knew from living in the apartment that if you were sitting where Chris was you could see into the bedroom by looking at the reflections on the full-length mirror on the door, which reflected off the dressers mirror. That reflection allowed anyone to see almost all of the right side of the bedroom including into the bathroom. Julie walked to the end of her bed and with her back to the dresser, pulled her soccer shirt up and over her blonde ponytail and tossed it into the laundry hamper. Then she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and let it slowly side down off her shoulders and off her arms.

As Chris lay there sipping his coke a movement off to his right caught his attention and when he looked he realized that he could see into Julie's bedroom by looking into the mirror. His eyes focused and he watched as Julie got undressed. My God, he thought to himself, doesn't she realize that I can see her? Well apparently not and I'm sure as the hell not going to tell her. As her bra became free from her breasts and slid down her arms Chris was mentally willing her to turn around so he could see her tits. Come on, come on, turn around Julie and let me see those tits.

Julie was pretty sure that Chris was watching her and she had no intentions of letting him see her breasts, not yet anyway. Keeping her back to the door she lifted first one leg then the other onto the end of the bed as she unlaced her shoes and took them and her socks off. Julie pushed on her gym shorts and panties, pushing them down over her butt and down her long legs until they were at her feet and then she slowly bent over and picked them up — very slowly. Julie knew full well that in this position Chris would have a perfect view of her very damp pussy.

Oh fuck me! That's her pussy! I can see her fucking pussy, will you look at that shit!

Julie straightened up and walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower and then bathed. After about five minutes she turned off the water, grabbed her towel and stepped out of the shower and dried off. She stood in front of the mirror, put on some of her favorite deodorant and perfume and strolled, completely naked, back into the bedroom.

Chris's eyes hadn't left the mirror as he waited for her to re-emerge from the bathroom. He had his hand under the towel stroking his hard on when she walked out. His eyes bulged out as he saw her. Oh my God, look at those tits! Oh shit I would give anything to suck on those babies.

Julie stood in front of her dresser fussing with her hair then, bra-less, she took a t-shirt and slipped it over her head and straightened it out. Next she reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of silk lounging pajama bottoms and pulled them on, sans panties. She tied the belt on the pants and then walked back out to the living room. Casually, as if everything was completely normal, she asked, "How you doing Chris? Everything all right?"

As she re-entered the living room he quickly moved his hand from beneath the towel. "Uh, sure Ms. Barnes, I'm doing fine."

"Good, your groin feeling better?"

"Well it still hurts a bit, but I guess it's doing pretty good."

Julie sat down on the couch, next to Chris. "Let me have a look-see." She pulled the towel aside and gently touched his groin area, probing with her fingers. She could tell by his wincing where the pain was and she was also sure that he had been playing with his cock as he watched her in the mirror because he was hard and leaking a lot of pre-cum. A number of sexual images flashed through her mind then she made her decision, a decision that if things went wrong, would cost her dearly, her job for sure, maybe even more. She wasn't even sure why she made the decision it was just that she had to touch this boy. She reached out and touched the tip of his cock with her finger and wiped off his pre-cum then sucked it off her finger while she smiled at him.

Chris watched as she touched his cock and he flinched as if he had been touched with a hot poker. Oh my God she's... she's really touching my cock! He knew all about blow jobs, well at least he had heard all about them, but he had never heard of anyone wiping the cum off a cock and then sucking it off a finger. The sensations her fingers were making on his body were exquisite and he couldn't lay there still.

"It must feel good Chris," Julie said, "as much as you're squirming around on the couch."

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