Being short of cash Don accepted a babysitting job. It developed into more than he expected. Avery taught Don about the wonders of sex. Don introduced Jayden to the greatest feeling on earth. Enjoy This is from Nov. 2000
A teenage boy's normal struggles growing up with his twin sister, a stepmother, and stepsister are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that's what he thinks. There might be more to the story. Too bad his best friend's moral compass is broken. This is Book Two. There's also a Book Three over at Bookapy, along with Book One, which is also here. Help support great authors!
After hypnotising my sister Lucy, I was disappointed to discover that it wasn't the magic control button I'd been looking for. No, the trick is finding people's limits, what they will and won't do...and then seeing if you can move those limits.
An Éowyn: The Cage & The Key Story (1) Bound by tradition, trapped by duty to a failing king, pursued by a craven counselor, grasping for any chance at freedom no matter how unreachable…can Éowyn escape her fate? Will she forever be defined by the demands of others, or will she forge her own path into the future? And what will that future cost? Her life? Or just her body? Will she ever find the key to unlock her cage? 3rd place, 2018 Clitorides, Best BDSM Story. 5th place, 2018 Clitorides, Best Erotic Fantasy Story.