This story will be a total of 12 chapters. They will be in 4 sections of 3 chapters each. The story is over three time periods. Present day, 2011 B.C. and Summer, 1912. The story is of Neferuptah the uncrowned ruler of Egypt cheated of her birthright by her devious sister Neferusobek. She is granted eternal life by the mummification masters and will come again to rule her newfound kingdom. The story is all fiction but then again it could have happened.
A story of mis-understanding? Janice (Janie) and Jack have been married for a while. He asks for her to do something different then their usual missionary evening of sex. Their son Jeff, overhears a loud argument between the two, and decides to get involved. (codes will be added as necessary)
The youngest son of the emperor dislikes the things he has had to do. Not only can he not follow his dreams but thing are about to get worse. The guards the nobles have forced onto his family turn and most of his family is killed.
A loner who hunts pests in ancient space fortresses has two girls join him. While clearing a fortress that has been neglected he must also teach them. Of course he can not fight the attraction. Then a large fleet of spider like aliens arrives and they must find a way to bring the fortress alive.
Growing up on a pirate station was not easy. With the changes from pirating the station was dying. While doing an examination of a ship a new idea on how to take a ship came. First he needed men with no record and then they needed to leave and go hunting.
A story in the Forbidden Nature of a Mom & Son Universe
A fetish for a son, a hookup website and a horny young man, turns into a passionate night for this 53 year old woman when her son fetish becomes a reality in this fast paced story of a mother's longing for a son's cock.
A Country Boy, City Girl Story Pete and Mandy are sent a submission by Brad. It is for a new adventure written by somebody else, but he wants to get Pete's impression of it before he agrees to publish it.