Jessica's younger sister, Ruby, sets her up with a blind date, later losing their virginity alongside each other. After several dates with her boyfriend, she suspects him of having an affair with her mother. Experience the ups and downs of love and family life, leading to a surprise ending.
Hi Jax, my name's Nicole, I love all your stories especially the true ones like 'Kate's Story' and I would like you to write about me. I'm a very short, only 5'2" tall, and I'm slightly on the plump side, but I'm chubby in all the right places, I'm very busty! I've always have been. Nicole is my real name. I'd love to know that thousands of guys are jerking off to my personal experiences and moaning my name while doing it. When this all happened I was just sweet 15
When you're a twin you think you know everything about your sibling. And other girls. And yourself. Usually, you're wrong on all three counts. That said, learning what you don't know can be fun. Please note the incest code. There's not much going on yet, but that could change. If incest bothers you, skip this story.