Place: an alley in a big city, somewhere in the northern Midwest of America. Time: a cold winters night, and it happens as you read. Players: a young runaway black girl and a rough bigoted man. Situation: Rape. This is a violet story about the rape of a black girl by a racist white man. I don't think it requires much explanation. If you like such stories, read it, if you don't pass it bye. If you're looking for a sappy romantic fuck, this isn't it.
An unexpected decision by all the countries of the world leads to a dramatic change and position for all the women of the world returning to a time in history where women's only true purpose was to be enjoyed by boys and men
This is now the story that started my career as Black Bull for couples. My best friend and his lovely beautiful tiny little Hispanic wife are my first experience at it.
John is a middle-age Black man with a large appetite for pretty boy fuck toys. To satisfy his craving, John opens his home to any john he can find. (I'm thinking seriously about making this a shared universe, so if anyone would like to join the group fuck, let me know. For anyone who cares, chapter 128 is where the 'shared universe' idea starts. DSS)
My first trip to Lake Powell was amazing. Beautiful spot, water was spectacular and the sex with two American boys was pretty fun as well. Some outdoor gay threesome anal train described in detail.
Allen Gordon has a strange, but mostly settled and content life with a girlfriend, cushy job, and paid-for home, when a bizarre summons from an odd new government agency takes him off-guard and threatens the very genitals that to him define his very manhood itself.