Jason Dunlop becomes a Batman-like figure, The Ghost, as he fights the Sydney Ducks on the Barbary Coast. Join Jason and his girl friend, Big Ass Betty, as they fight to right some of the wrongs of old San Francisco. The Sydney Ducks were real crooks, mostly from Australia, who nearly took over San Francisco in the 1850s.
A redheaded girl of sixteen becomes a mail order bride. She is met at the train in Nebraska by her fiancé and they quickly marry. She becomes frustrated when she learns that she is unable to bare children.
I have no idea where this one came from... Sitting on the throne of repose, with my odor insulting my wife. The odor wasn't the only thing that popped out.
Hoping to avoid the trappings of romance, love, and marriage that seem so expected on Valentine’s Day, five women decide to take a motorcycle ride through the Rocky Mountains. Instead, they find themselves trapped in the past. Can they find a way back to their own time? Will they find true love and want to stay? Or is it a TIME TO RIDE?
A Character Sketches of Sketchy Characters Story “Bronah? Oh, you’ll have no problem catching up with Bronah. He don’t run from a thing. He walks toward it with purpose and conviction. Question is, you sure you want to? You know how real smart folk tell you that some stuff you have when you get whelped and other stuff gets taught you? When it comes to killin’, he got it from both sides. You seen his arm?” - Ardavrin Gendelam, Town Guard, Pelnagarmo
In the early frontier days in the Wild West, Becky was a mail-order bride. This is the intimate tale of her marriage, capture by Red Indians, slavery, and her subsequent life.
The most popular slogan in the post Civil War period was "Gone to Texas" or simply "GTT" because the promise of living in a free society without restrictions of too much government was too tempting to resist.