Christy boarded the team bus a virgin, but after the team won and everybody on the bus started celebrating on the way home, Christy just couldn't help but get drawn in. She got off the bus having lost her virginity, but that was just the beginning. / (Reviews)
I just sat there staring at the closed door, still seeing those magnificent tits in my mind. Sally isn't small by any means, I think she's at least a 'C' cup but she hasn't said. Pam must be at least a cup size bigger if not two; to add to their size there stood straight out from her chest with hardly any droop.
This is the story of a daughter who was uncomfortable with the stares of lust she received as a young girl and returning home from college sees them now given to her little sister. To protect her little sister, she makes a deal with her father and gives him full use of her body.
This is a spinoff story of Lefitte the pirate vampire who dwells along the Gulf Coast. The original series was about the Voodoo Queen but this series will only refer to her without any inclusion in the scenario. The lair of Lafitte is in a basement under hallowed ground so it is relatively safe from most predators. His supply of virgins is assured because of favors granted to the Voodoo Queen and his clan harvest new sources of blood at least once a week in the French Quarter.