Fourteen-year-old fatherless boy, Chris, is summering with his mother at their Fenwick Island, Delaware, beach cottage. Chris's mother encourages him to be have contact with the men living on either side of them, randy Andy Murphy, a muscular builder from Allentown, younger then his rich wife, on the one side, and war veteran Ned Brice, living in his house full time and in a wheelchair, on the other side. As the summer ends, Chris receives sex education from his neighbors.
English archeologist Hendricks, finishing a season's tomb dig in Egypt's El Faiyum Desert in the first decade of the 20th century, has brought his excavated treasures and teenage servant boys to a tent hotel on Qaraum Lake for the annual loot split with Prince Nuri's Ministry of Antiquities. Hendricks, the prince, and the prince's factotum, Husani Hamide, all share a preference for teenage boys. This preference becomes embroiled in the negotiations over the treasure split.
Male-perspective bisexual. Married architects Mariah and Cliff are so anxious to land an expensive house project that they are willing to let swinger house owners Bianca and Thane Gifford have whatever they want. The Giffords want to have it all.
Mulatto New Orleans journalist Clément LeBrand, now living in German because of his fetish for fourteen-year-old boys but willing as well to lay for men, is offered an assignment in Senegal with photographer and lover Andre to track down a legendary humanitarian doctor, Gunther Schmidt, running a clinic there. He finds that Schmidt not only shares Clément's fetish but is partial to whips and would like to enjoy Clément too.