I strongly warn against reading this one, it is certain to trigger every one. Don't blame me if you do, and find a scar on your psyche later. You were warned. Warning: May cause intense emotions. Very dark dystopia, but we've been there before.
Yevin had it all, and lost it. His wife left him. He fell into the bottle, and almost drowned in it. Now a friend pulls him up and dries him out. Can he get his life back together?
Wishes can be wonderful things, but when misspoke, all kinds of bad things can happen. In this case, a young woman, who has just found true love makes a wish that changes the world forever.
Based on a current craze for videoing assualts on strangers using a mobile phone a whole new craze opens up. All you need is a bit of bottle, a state of the art phone. And a uniformed policewoman.