The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
The Powerborne Series (1) Ral Sutton, a college freshman with an unconventional secret, stumbles onto a murder as it happens. Detective Stanfield, a grumpy detective perplexed by this murder along with the eleven others, hopes this witness will help him put away a vicious killer. It's a world where people are born with astounding powers and deadly intentions. Ral must learn to control his abilities so that he can save not only himself but also those closest to him.
A Winter's Universe Story (12) A troubling family development. A sophisticated ID theft. Covid isolation. During all of this, a missing-person’s case propels me into the nightmarish underworld of the Creed of the Apocrypha. But that cult wasn’t the worst that I would encounter. I thought I’d seen the dregs of humanity — but nothing had prepared me for the abject savagery that people can inflict upon each other. Rated R: sex and mayhem. Best New Author (2017). Author of the Year (Top Ten — 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021).
A Winter's Universe Story (12) A troubling family development. A sophisticated ID theft. Covid isolation. During all of this, a missing-person’s case propels me into the nightmarish underworld of the Creed of the Apocrypha. But that cult wasn’t the worst that I would encounter. I thought I’d seen the dregs of humanity — but nothing had prepared me for the abject savagery that people can inflict upon each other. Rated R: sex and mayhem. Best New Author (2017). Author of the Year (Top Ten — 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021).