A Jack Pierce Chronicles Story (5) This story follows immediately after "Something Fishy Going On" and begins with the Spring semester at Porter-Gaud. Olivia Newton John's "Physical" had been on the charts for 18 weeks straight and Hank Aaron was being inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Swimming season was over and baseball season was about to begin.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire… Or in the case of 23-year-old Vincent Hargrove — out of a tragic past, into an unfaithful marriage. When it gets to be too much he runs away. Isolated in the woods hoping against hope that time will heal all wounds. Isolation in the deep woods of central Oregon he finds peace in solitude. As he develops a small parcel of land left to him by his grandparents he gets along with minimal human contact, until a desperate foreign woman crosses his path. / (Reviews)
A story in the A Tale about Love Universe
James is ready for normal life but decides to visit the estates his family had owned in East Germany. He proposes a plan to revitalize the city that had fallen into deep depression. A corrupt mayor destroys his intentions. After a year, he is invited back again - and a new plan is proposed and executed. Suddenly, an election to the Sejm changes everything. The Prime Minister threatens expropriation. What will he do? Pay a bribe to keep his investment? Will he go to war, risking everything?
A story in the Postmodern Galateas Universe
Story #1 of Postmodern Galateas. What if your love doll suddenly started talking to you? Mythology always has a grain of truth in it. Pygmalion and his beautiful statue coming to life was just the proof of concept for a magical secret world that would arrive when the world was ready for it. This is the story that the DOLLS category was created for.
Steve Anderson knew it was wrong to fall in love with Maria D'Amato, his patient who was twice his age, but it happened and before he knew it, his life spiraled into directions that he never realized existed. There were secrets they withheld from each other, and one of those secrets cost Maria her life. Now Steve must find a way to protect her daughter without falling in love with her, too.
Bobby thought he was just going next door to help Mrs. Pastrianni change a light bulb. He held the ladder while she climbed and reached to get the light bulb. When she did, it was obvious she wasn't wearing panties. Mrs. Pastrianni was fifteen years older than Bobby. Not only that, she was white and Bobby was black. There was no way she did that on purpose, right? Suddenly, the fantasies he'd had about Mrs. Pastrianni were coming true. Then his sister caught them... and she wanted to join in.
Halloween 2024
On a band trip to New Orleans he stopped into a hole-in-the-wall shop, where an old woman offered to sell him a little bottle of Love Potion #9. He was a high school student who had a crush on his geometry teacher and, just for fun, at the Halloween dance, he spiked her punch. Except instead of only two drops, as the old woman had instructed him, his nervousness caused him to dump half the bottle. It was the best Halloween night of his life, and October 31st was never the same again.
Lonny found herself between a rock and a hard spot. She had to choose between the lesser of two evils. She had to have the money or she'd be kicked out of her house and she'd be homeless... on the streets. So, reluctantly, she agreed to let her disgusting neighbor have her body. She didn't want to be a hooker, so she said she'd pay him back. But then, as things progressed, he became less disgusting until, impossibly, she fell in love with him.