This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.
This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.
This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.
This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.
This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.
This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.