A story in a universe that is virtually Earth-normal but...
What do a canceled talk, an ice-cream cone, and an odd noise have to do with a widowed mom or with Kris' boyfriend? This story came to me when I read the teaser for another SOL story. As I usually do, I took the idea and ran with it in a perpendicular direction.
When Cathy fears she's pregnant from a condom breaking, her identical twin sister is highly amused. Things aren't so funny, when Cathy goes to extreme lengths to insure that she and her twin Irene will stay identical!
Schneider, handyman for a large apartment building, barges in to Ann Romano's apartment as usual. It seems as if no one's home, but then he finds her youngest daughter naked and masturbating. He gets personally involved, only to get clunked on the head. He wakes up to discover himself a prisoner, used by Ms. Romano to fill her own needs. (Celeste's score: 10, 9, 9: "Main
strength is the sexy dialogue.")
Tom wants another girl, but he doesn't realize that Diane, the girl he's been good friends with and working on the yearbook with wants him more than anything. Finally, Tom wakes up and gets the surprise of his young life.