Have you ever noticed how little things, a smell, a texture, a song, can bring back a memory so vivid you'd swear you were there, in that moment, once again? I heard a song on an oldies radio station this afternoon and immediately was back in the autumn of my junior year in high school. / (Reviews)
Can touch be magical? Will a brother's touch, cure a girl with SAD Seasonal Affect Disorder. Can you love your sister enough to help her? Sorry when I posted the story only the last page appeared, I reposted it properly.
A Incest Theme Stories Story (6) Sammy, a 15-year old expert with electronics, finds a way to keep tabs on his sexy older sister, Heather. He loves to masturbate and he's about to amass an amazing video library to help him get it on.
A Naughty Nursery Rhyme Little Bo Peep had lost her sheep, and this represented a problem for the girl. Where the sheep were ... Horatio, the big ram was too ... and she needed Horatio's ... attentions.
Likable louts, Tony and Pruett love playing pranks while drinking their beer. One night they get the idea to paint Girls Gone Wild on a Van. Of course, first they need a van. But they proove to be resourceful in more ways than one, and their adventure is launched with a few mishaps and lots of sex.