College boy tells author how his Pennsylvania family came together in an explosion of sex and love. Mother-son, father-daughter,aunt, neighbor, children / (Reviews)
Kathy had waited over six months for her check-up with her gynecologist and imagine her surprise when the doctor required a stand-by for the exam. She was even more surprised when with no one else available he suggested that she use her 16 year old son Chris. Chris was happy to watch the exam and even happier when the doctor asked for his help.
A teenage boy lusts after his sister. He is jealous of her new boyfriend who is a complete jerk. One night after his sister comes home from a bad date he makes his move. Her reaction is much better than expected.
Rebecca is on the board of directors of a large corporation. She is but one step away from realising her lifelong ambition. Then she meets a lowly engineer.
Doctor Abraham Rosenfeld and his wife Tricia have multiple lovers as it is, but one snowy, bleak day during the Christmas break leads to things getting closer with his stepdaughters, all of whom adore him. To make things even wilder, his neighbors get in on the fun as they are trapped inside by the snow with little to do but fuck.