A simple massage gets a little out of hand. A horny wife gets a little carried away. Two couples deal with a situation they didn't expect to be in. Oh really?
This story is especially for readers who asked about how the family got to where they were. Besides giving that info, it includes INCEST, group sex, creme pies, DP, and exhibitionists, with some anal and bi-sexual themes. Then came NND!
A To Reign In Hell Story (3) This is the final major segment of the "To Reign In Hell" anthology, though I reserve the right to do some smaller side stories set at various points in the timeline of this universe. Now, at last, Lord Asmodeus will confront the forces of the Holy Ghost.
Otto Schaefer is in for a real shock when he learns that his wife Nadia is actually his firstborn daughter from his not-so-ex wife Carmen. The bigger shocks come soon afterward, when Carmen herself moves back in to share their husband's favors and his bed.
This is part of the series about Dan, Vicki, and their family. (5) Part of the Southern Sexual Liberation universe
This story continues to present the lives of Dan, Vicki, Haley, and Michelle, and their children. Trevor has been kicked out of his house by Jamie, leading to some seduction by two very loving women. Meanwhile, Karl repays the debt that he owes Vicki. And somewhere along the way, Dan experiences the twins together at last. Toss in family film night, and you have this particular Sunday in the life of the von Greiner clan. Hold on, it's a wild ride!
To what lengths would you be willing to go to save your job? How far would you allow your wife to go to help you? One salesman, and his wife, find out. A 'thinking' Loving Wife story. (Recently Revised)
Two couples find mutual sexual delight. (2) The sexual excitement is high as the exotic sexual action between Michael and Anne; and, Garrett and Su Lin continues. Throwing caution aside, the two couples are determined to explore deeper into the vault of secret erotic practices.