In the aftermath of the Halloween party, Amara is struggling to come to terms with her actions. When an opportunity to atone presents itself, she manages to pull herself together and get back to school. However, the mystery of the mysterious magic circles persists, and she might be closer than she realizes to discovering the dark forces at work.
In the aftermath of the Halloween party, Amara is struggling to come to terms with her actions. When an opportunity to atone presents itself, she manages to pull herself together and get back to school. However, the mystery of the mysterious magic circles persists, and she might be closer than she realizes to discovering the dark forces at work.
In the aftermath of the Halloween party, Amara is struggling to come to terms with her actions. When an opportunity to atone presents itself, she manages to pull herself together and get back to school. However, the mystery of the mysterious magic circles persists, and she might be closer than she realizes to discovering the dark forces at work.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.
After an unexpected night of passion with her best friend, Amara is worried about losing his friendship. However, when an attempt to clear the air leads to a repeat performance, the two discover that she's actually a succubus! Together, they'll have to navigate her slow transformation from mundane college student to sex-craved demonic horror.