A man awakens inside a stasis pod with only scattered memories of who he once was, finding himself alone in a deserted offworld colony. As he explores the ruins and tries to piece together what happened, he soon realizes that he has company, and not the kind he was hoping for. (Alien Fanfiction)
A little stand-alone Startrek story, set in late season two of Startrek: Enterprise. When the crew of NX01-Enterprise find an M class planet suitable for shore leave, Trip Tucker and Malcom Reed have a beer idea. Predictably the resident Vulcan gets her knickers in a twist about it.
Jeff Tovette was the low man on the totem pole in the T'Sharan's geology department, and the only male. The outlook on the decade-long survey mission in the Beta Quadrant was good, but he didn't have any friends on-board the ship yet. He just had seven of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen working with him in geology. And they were all senior to him.
Ivan Merciant was a political convict for 20 terran-years, freed by smugglers to locate the lost Treasury of the wealthy Merciants, once Dukes of Como Prime in the days of the old Galactic Empire. Led by two murderous smugglers, financed by Lillian, a Republican courtesan, related to the dead Emperor, served by the everloving domestic help Selene, they embark to navigate a treacherous triple-sun system to find hidden treasure, knowing survival depends on the greed of their present crew mates.
A story in the Naughty Shorts Universe
An astronaut crash lands on a desert island and finds a bottle with a beautiful genie inside. Sound familiar? Get ready for an updated adult version of I Dream of Jeannie.