As a wise man once said everything is not as it would seem. Ray could definitely say that it was true. After his senses were boosted/enhanced, the world was definitely a different place, and it was time for Ray to explore and discover the reason for his amplification. / (Reviews)
Josh is sleeping soundly next to his girl friend when he feels like he has rolled off the bed and fallen on the floor. However, it's not a floor inside a house. Follow his adventures as he finds his way in a strange, new world.
Charles Chase is the Chancellor of the Alliance. He is not a king, or a ruler, or a monarch of any kind. He is a leader. A leader of many worlds, many kings, many rulers, and many monarchies. Join The Chancellor as he finds wives, concubines, allies, and foes alike, treating each with the love, consideration, respect, or vitriol, they deserve. From his childhood friend to the daughter of the leader of a most hostile civilization, he meets the best of the best and the worst of the worst.
A Story in the The Anomaly Universe
Paul had never believed that he could qualiify for passage aboard the Interplanetary Space Ship Intrepid on its mission across the Kuiper Belt to investigate the unknown entity known as the Anomaly that lies beyond the edge of the Solar System. Neither has anyone who has ever met him. But notwithstanding his evident unsuitability, Paul and his new wife Beatrice are passengers on a voyage beyond the solar ecliptic in the company of the Solar System's most expert scientists.
This story is a dramatic mystery, with two romantic story lines, science fiction, loads of erotic sex, including lesbian love, threesomes, and some B&D. No sex happens until Chapter 5, and no one under 18 is involved in the sex parts. I promise there is plenty of sex throughout the novel.