A sexual active housewife accepts a lift with a group of men who ravish her. She accepts what they offer as she does for tradesmen, religious figures and friends - read on.
Karl, a provider of sex toys and equipment in Munich, Germany, lures fourteen-year-old skateboarders to be willing to entertain him and exercise his wares in the confines of a stalled elevator.
Hurtling through space to explore the Red Planet, accompanied by the love of your life? It might seem like a dream come true. But Mars is a dangerous place. If something went wrong, an oversexed crewmate might end up holding all the cards. And after that, how long would it be until he was holding your wife too?
A wife leaves for a holiday with a liberated friend. Her husband takes the opportunity to add another name to his black book when he is confronted by a woman in the seedy areas of town - read on