Meet Mandy, Charlotte, and Brianna, the crew of the courier ship Amphora 3. The girls are hired to harvest sperm from alien farm animals and carry it to another planet inside their bodies.
What would make a sophisticated, well-educated American man in his early thirties take a job running coffee and cinnamon plantations in rural East Timor for a Portuguese export house? It couldn't be because the age of consent for teenage boys there is fourteen, could it?
When 14-year-old Tom's family immigrates to Boston from England in 1804, Tom goes to a merchant ship as an apprentice sailor. A British frigate impresses sailors from the ship, however, making the small, young, blond, handsome Tom a cabin boy on the brig HMS "Raven," the duties of which include opening his thighs for the ship's officers and sailors. They change his name to Jamie and sail to the Barbary Coast, where Jamie, going on shore leave in Tripoli is taken into a male brothel
For Halloween: Twice yearly in the late 18th century, the choir master of Munich Cathedral, in Bavaria, Otto Strickler, takes a coach up to Castle Ringang in the perpetual shadow of the Alps to collect a large donation from the patron, the forever forty-year-old Baron Derick von Obertstdorf. Each time the baron requires Strickler to bring an unsullied fourteen-year-old boy angel with him for the night. It's handsome, blond, boy treble soloist, and orphan Jan Becker's turn.
A Uncle George: Adventures in the Philippines Story Three young women find a man who is fifty years their senior meets all of their needs much better than men their own age ever could. Characters talk about sex acts, but do not actually do those things. One character has rape fantasies and they are discussed, but there are no rapes or acts of violence. There are also incest and impregnation fantasies, but no acts of incest and no pregnancies.