Meet Mandy, Charlotte, and Brianna, the crew of the courier ship Amphora 3. The girls are hired to harvest sperm from alien farm animals and carry it to another planet inside their bodies.
Fourteen-year-old Nate, living with his inattentive American parents in Tokyo in the 1920s, is years ahead of himself in curiosity and has an interest in being taught exotic and exhausting sex by men. His music teacher, the German, Hans Bender, has just the opportunities to offer Nate in this vein.
In July 1941, journalist (but really military intelligence agent) half English-half Burmese Gordon is dispatched to Burma to convince the artist who deflowered him at age fourteen and set him into having the fetish too to return to England to work on the war effort. The artist is in Burma because there are easy boys there and he tries to convince Gordon to stay. Gordon indulges in his old fetish and is also pursued by a Japanese sadist.
A horny biography of my darling wife SINdora's, early erotic genesis. She was conned by her husband of the time into be'coming' a bartered bride. She was a swinger, a swapped wife.