*** Wife Pays for Husband’s Infidelity Redux is an up dated version *** Husband can't keep his cock in his pants. After having sex with a young teenage girl. He gets blackmailed into convincing his beautiful young innocent wife to let his friends gangbang her, the husband loses control over his wife, as she's taken into further depravity.
Prisoners escape from prison and take over a family home. The family of 5 have to perform all sorts of sexual acts for and with the prisoners along with each other. One of the young girls finds out her mom is submissive and is thinking of dominating her once the escaped convicts leave.
Sister-in-law Rose finds comfort in a newly acquired Rottweiler and copes with a stressful situation. Soon she is depending on her worn-out brother-in-law much less for nocturnal release. Her three nieces arrrive with their own needs and the house is getting hotter by the minute.
Its 1974 and 18-year-old Viv and her older brother get caught in flagrante delicto -- naked and asleep in her bed by their parents who were "supposed to be elsewhere." (Consanguine love and sex, Female on male, and male on female oral sex.) Installment Two of a journal (2019 is first.)
A Best Blowjob Ever Story My cell phone died and I was at the pharmacy getting my Covid shot and while I was waiting to see if there were any dangerous side effects I came upon two really cute girls kissing. If I'd had a working phone it would have been so easy to get some hot sexy pictures. Then the cop came along and things got even hotter. Illustrated.
In a dystopian society, where poverty is commonplace and crime is rife, a child brought into the world is left with no hope, no future, and a life of crime.