Huntin Poon - Cover

Huntin Poon

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2017 by Tony Tiger

Incest Sex Story: Coon hunting trip gets hot for sister and three brothers

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   .

“Oh, Paw,” whined Lulu Bell, “How come only them boys gets to go a’huntin coon. Ah’m as good a shot as they are!”

Looking at her three brothers, Paw agreed, “She’s right. You take her this time instead of thet neighbor girl.” Knowing better than to argue with the old man, the boys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

Lem addressed his sister, “Okay, but you gotta do everything that she would’ve done.” Lulu Bell nodded her agreement. He added, “OK, yew saw her agree.”

The next morning two ATV’s took off, each one towing a small trailer with their gear in one and the dogs in another. After a couple hours traveling into the national forest the foursome arrived at the campsite they had used many times before. Two small tents were set up and a latrine dug. The rest of the campsite was quickly made up before lunch which was sandwiches they had brung.

After lunch they divided up into two pairs and went off in opposite directions with a dog apiece. Lulu Bell kept up with her oldest brother just fine and actually bagged more game than he did.

Everybody pitched in and stew was soon cooking on the campfire. They’d brought a jug of shine and a got passed around while dinner simmered. Everybody chowed down and they sat around the campfire telling stories until it was dark and time for bed.

Lulu Bell piped up with, “See, Ah can do anything that ole neighbor girl could’a done.”

The group got quiet as Lem addressed his sister, “Do you think we brung her along to do household stuff?” Lulu Bell didn’t say nuthin so he continued, “We brought her here to fuck. Yew agreed to do everythin so get ready to make three cocks happy. Ah don’t think you’re a virgin.”

Little Bell grinned, “No sirree. My last two boyfriends give me plenty of practice and Ah likes it lots. Only had one at a time so far, but been wondering about something like this. Lemme shew you guys what you’re gonna to be getting.”

She stood on the other side of the campfire from her attentive brothers and did a little strip tease without the benefit of music. When her full tits got uncovered, there were some whistles so she shook them in their faces a bit. Encouraged, she turned up the heat a little bit and made a show of uncovering her pussy and ass. When she was completely naked, she said, “It’s gitting chilly out here. Who wants to go first?”

Rock paper scissors was won by the middle brother, Billy. She took him into the tent where her stuff was. The other two were sipping on shine and knew they could hear everything that was going on in the nearby tent

Billy got naked and he was ready for action. When he pointed his pecker at her pussy, Lulu Bell stopped him, “Yer going to get me first, brother mine, sew yew gotta git it ready. Get your tongue down there and make it wet. What are yew waiting for? Did yew ever eat pussy?”

When he said no, the audience outside the tent guffawed a bit. Lem yelled, “Want me to come in there and show him how?”

Lulu Bell yelled back, “Fuck yes!” Lem was in there in a minute, lapping up a storm to his sister’s squealing delight. After she came, she pushed him away saying, “You’ll be next. Now Billy, do what he did.”

She stopped him before she came again and told him to stick his pecker in. It was a nice fit, no bigger than her boyfriends’ had been, and he did seem to know what to do at this point. Her hands squeezed her tits up and he began to suck on them the best he could while still pumping away. Of course, he didn’t last long and she felt him squirt his built-up load deep inside.

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