It's important to always express sisterly love. So if you have a sister, express it all over her. Let her taste all of your love. And make her thank you for it.
My name is Candy, when I was 15 and my sister Joy was 14 my parents bought a new home. Apparently the previous owners died in a car accident. My sister and I were going through some boxes in the basement when we found something interesting. There was a box full of toys, only they were adult toys.
Meet Mandy, Charlotte, and Brianna, the crew of the courier ship Amphora 3. The girls are hired to harvest sperm from alien farm animals and carry it to another planet inside their bodies.
A story in the Sex Robots Universe
Lollibots and Lolliboys come in all colors, hairstyles, shapes, and sizes. Want a robotic teen hottie who adores doing blowjobs and anal? Maybe huge tits or a big dick on a lovebot who looks 14? How about a Futa-bot, with both? For a very reasonable price, you can have a sexy Lollibot or Lolliboy of your very own! Hurry! Special 30 percent off sale ends soon!
A Dear Stepdaddy Story Award-winning letters to the "Dear Stepdaddy" hebephilic advice column from the year 2011. A wide variety of separate situations, and hence a wide variety of codes. So don't be turned off by one or two -- they likely appear in only one letter. Teen-aged girls, their Uncles, Teachers, Fathers and "Mentors" all write to the column for advice. Start the New Year off right with this "year in review" -- and then get busy writing your own letters to "Dear Stepdaddy" for 2012!
A Caucasian ladyboy prostitute who makes her living in adult video store booths has her business curtailed by the pandemic, so she begins seeing clients in motels and at her apartment.