A Swarm Cycle Story
In battle things don't always go to plan, which is how our pilot found himself on the ground. Enter the Sandies, who's mission it is to extract poor unfortunate pilots.
Maybe those Myans were right. This was certainly the end of the world.. This is another one of my 'way-too-old' tales I found on an ancient hard drive. Enjoy the read folks.
A university hospital is getting astonishing cure rates, but is the radical new treatment method actually safe? Two university students attempt to find out before it is too late.
Matt is a typical teenage boy and when a hot chick offers him a ride, he talks her into parking under the stars, never realizing that she might actually be from one of them. Well, to be fair about it, the boy had his mind on other things.
A Swarm Cycle Story
The Salah al-Din returns to Earth after years away, and finds that some uninvited guests have also arrived.
This story is obviously heavily indebted to Duke of Ramus' story "In the Name of the Prophet". My thanks to him.
A Swarm Cycle Story
What happened that night when Anne left with Ruth and Yoo Jin? This story occurs during the events of "Stewart's Third Mission," and loosely follows "Anne's Goodbye." This doesn't advance any story lines. It's pretty much just sex. (Woo-hoo!) I really love the girls, and I write what I like to read. this story is a "Thank you" to the readers were kind enough to write positive feedback to my earlier stories. You guys rock!
Hard Science Fiction mixed with Romantic Love and Sex. What more is there? (Sorry, no war here!)
The gentle push of the single plasma thruster at minimum power was nearly imperceptible to the two teenage lovers.
Jabin broke their kisses for a moment, “Pilot, continue hot fire for five minutes, then rerun diagnostics.”
He went back to kissing Atarah.