He was recently divorced. Well, his wife ran away with a "Brazilian Butt Trainer" and now he is unemployed with his insurance running out soon and on the verge of eviction from his apartment. He loses contact with reality in the cheap movie houses on 42nd Street and hooks up with a pair of man-hating lesbians. Then the fun began...
*** Wife Pays for Husband’s Infidelity Redux is an up dated version *** Husband can't keep his cock in his pants. After having sex with a young teenage girl. He gets blackmailed into convincing his beautiful young innocent wife to let his friends gangbang her, the husband loses control over his wife, as she's taken into further depravity.
Julia repeated to herself over and over again, "It's only soft porn" and not the hard core stuff. Now her daughter knew exactly how she made the money for the rent and all their other expenses. If only the photographer minded his manners and kept it all pretend and not the real thing.
Sister-in-law Rose finds comfort in a newly acquired Rottweiler and copes with a stressful situation. Soon she is depending on her worn-out brother-in-law much less for nocturnal release. Her three nieces arrrive with their own needs and the house is getting hotter by the minute.
What would make a sophisticated, well-educated American man in his early thirties take a job running coffee and cinnamon plantations in rural East Timor for a Portuguese export house? It couldn't be because the age of consent for teenage boys there is fourteen, could it?
When 14-year-old Tom's family immigrates to Boston from England in 1804, Tom goes to a merchant ship as an apprentice sailor. A British frigate impresses sailors from the ship, however, making the small, young, blond, handsome Tom a cabin boy on the brig HMS "Raven," the duties of which include opening his thighs for the ship's officers and sailors. They change his name to Jamie and sail to the Barbary Coast, where Jamie, going on shore leave in Tripoli is taken into a male brothel
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: True Story Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, True Story, Cheating, Slut Wife, Humiliation, Rough, Spanking, Gang Bang, Group Sex, Interracial, Black Male, White Female, Cream Pie, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Small Breasts Downloads: 5064 | Votes: 61 | Score: 6.30 Size: 14KB | 3,047 words |