Silass the Stylite - Cover

Silass the Stylite

by MartletMartlet

Copyright© 2022 by MartletMartlet

Erotica Sex Story: A demon futa corrupts a pillar-dwelling mystic boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   TransGender   Fiction   Historical   Magic   Demons   DomSub   Rough   Anal Sex   First   .

Aisha fell to her knees in the sand and panted. Above the succubus loomed a little stone pillar that belonged to Silass, the nineteen-year-old mystic of the Sinai desert. Aisha had journeyed for days to reach his rumored location in the hope of finding a hermit young enough to make her task enjoyable. Having lost a wager with her fellow demons, her penalty was to venture to the mortal realm and have sex with a stylite - a pillar-dwelling Christian ascetic.

The first six stylites Aisha had found were either unbearably old or wielded such power and connection to God that she was terrified to even approach their lofty towers. But only a weak divine presence surrounded Silass’s pillar, which was unsurprising considering that a hermit of his age was presumably just beginning his gnostic journey. Aisha could comfortably gaze upon his figure as he meditated on his platform, outlined against the hard blue firmament. His pillar was only two fathoms high - comically small compared to those of other stylites. Yes, he would be easy prey.

“Ho there!” said the boy, rising to his feet. “Traveler! Why do you disturb my prayers? Do you seek my counsel? Do you need intercession?”

“I have brought food for you,” said Aisha.

“Bless you, kind woman! There is a pole over there, if you would-”

“I will climb up and give it to you.”

“Oh. Well, I would prefer-”

“I am intent on communing with you, brother Silass!” Aisha kicked off her sandals and stepped up to the base of the tower.

“Fine, sister in Christ, you are welcome here but I insist that you veil your hair; this house belongs to the Lord, and I shall not allow women to tempt me, for as Paul instructed the Corinthians...”

Aisha ignored his babbling and slipped her fingers and toes in gaps between the stones. Her human form was muscular and dexterous, so she had no trouble ascending the tower, but her heartbeat quickened as each step took her farther from the Earth and closer to the heavens. The top of the tower flared out with a lip making it difficult to finish the climb, and Aisha made certain not to look down as she swung her body over the top.

“Woman! I say again, put on a veil!” Silass, who squatted on the opposite side of the platform, watched Aisha with indignation and fright. The boy was clearly not used to seeing a woman up close, especially one like Aisha with her generous curves and her long, luscious black hair. The boy must have been here for months; he was grimy with dust and clothed in tattered gray rags, but had not yet declined to the decrepit constitution of a lifelong stylite.

“I am Aisha, pleased to meet you.”

“Pleasure,” Silass grumbled. “Please share my water.” He indicated a jug beside him, which was apparently his only possession. Aisha poured some water on her fouta towel.

“Hey, you are wasting it!”

“But you are filthy!” Aisha grabbed Silass by the arm and wiped his face and hair. He twitched, but there was nowhere for him to retreat on the tiny platform. He was weak and very thin, and Aisha felt sorry for him. She thought little of most hermits, who were just strange old men, but what cruel madness had God and the Christians inflicted upon this poor guy to make him abandon all the Earthly comforts he deserved?

“Let’s get you fed, okay?” She unwrapped a block of sesame halva from her bag.

“I have been fasting for three days, dear sister, but very well, if you insmmmff-” Aisha shut him up by pushing a chunk of the confectionery into his mouth.

“Mmm, Aisha, I should - mmff - not be given sweet foods! I am living a life of - mfff -”

“Sshhh. Hold still.” Aisha scooted closer to Silass with one arm around his shoulder. Each time he swallowed, she coaxed his mouth open again and gave him more. His resistance ebbed until he devoured each bite. “Good boy,” said Aisha, wiping crumbs off his cute face. Finally she gave him water to wash everything down.

Now feeling more comfortable with her precarious position, Aisha looked out at the Sinai desert. It was beautiful in its desolation, silent but for a dry breeze that whirled between the hills and tickled their faces with grains of sand. The road to Elath was empty at the moment, so there would be no one to see them. Huddled against the boy, Aisha grew lusty and her cock hardened. She wanted to fuck the holy spirit out of him. But she still felt queasy about doing it atop this pillar.

“Well, thank you, kind Aisha,” said Silass. “But I beg you to leave, for there is little room up here, and it is improper for a man and a woman to be so close! If there is anything you need in your life, tell me, and I shall pray for it.”

“Not yet honey, you need a bath.” Then she grabbed his rags and tore them away from his body, leaving them to flutter down to the ground. Silass yelped and covered his private parts. Aisha poured the rest of the water over his body, rubbed his torso, then forced him onto his stomach so she could get at his butt. She kneaded into him, knowing that the pressure would grind his little cock against the stone.

“Ahhh! No! Begone, strange woman!” Silass began to struggle, so Aisha sat on his back. She worried that he might push her off the pillar, deliberately or not, so she kept her body as low as possible. She steadied the boy for the next step: cleaning his ass.

The moment her fingers slipped between his buttcheeks he thrashed and screamed to God for help. But Aisha calmly touched his pucker and wiped around it. Next was oil, where was her olive oil? Bag, over there. Better hurry this up before God notices. She fumbled for the flask and drizzled its contents all over his ass crack. Then she pressed a finger onto his anal button, wiggled it in a little circle, and slipped inside.

Silass issued a silly scream and his thrashing turned to shaking. He breathed quickly and whined as Aisha rubbed her finger around, feeling the walls in each direction and pushing all the way down to her last knuckle, coating his insides with oil.

“You just hold on now, okay Silass? Trust Aisha.” She pulled back and then entered him with two fingers. Once they were both inside, she moved them slightly against each other and did little scissors against his walls. There was hardly enough room for her to do this, and it would have been prudent to stretch him more before moving to the next step, but that would take too much time.

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