A Swarm Cycle Story
Set in the Swarm Universe, this story follows Priests of the cosca as they find, woo and win wives on Catania. Lots of sex in this one, with a dash of humor for fun!
Molly tries to get home after her alley romp, but is confronted by some stray dogs which take advantage of her again. *This is the second part, continuation of Molly's bus ride home. The stories were separated because of the different genres associated within each story.
Tired of watching his mother going to bed alone or worse with some random guy to fuck, he decides to be the man she needs - whether she likes it or not! Eventually he brings his sister into the family fold and becomes the man (and Master) of the house!
Walt Kowalski vents his lust on his granddaughter Ashley in the backseat of his Gran Torino. Based on the movie Gran Torino starring Clint Eastwood and Dreama Walker.