In a world gone to shit, James stumbles across a camp with some chrome ass bitches in it. Of course he has to rescue them. Mary Sue based on Mad Max Fury road.
An accident has transplanted the town of Carmel into a hellish dimension. Former soldier Paul Heinlein is captured and taken to the alien queen. What does she want from him?
Three sisters enter a lottery to be one of the few to win a man to breed with in a world where men are few, the gas saw to that. It does not go as planned.
Stories in the Frank's Post-Apoc World Universe
In the same universe as Hard Time, it starts a new character born to the time and tells his story about a new area. It has LOTS of sex! I am working toward all checks for sexual things.
A story in the Haven Tails Universe
David Howard is fed up with his life in the Mafia-controlled state of New Jersey, even if it is the only state with a working government in the post-apocalyptic world that exists since Fireball Day. Between his mob-loving (literally) wife Andrea and his psycho gay ex-friend and boss with benefits, Steven, David is more than ready to call it quits. He just won't get to do it alone.
Stories in Fallout: Vault 69
In the wake of nuclear apocalypse, a young man and his hot step-family, seek refuge in Vault 69. He discovers the truth about his family and learns the horny rules within the Vault's walls. Will the orientation help him adjust to the new sexy life style? Oh, how about a porn film project assignment? This is a Fallout fanfic.
This story is about a teenage boy hiding out after a world catastrophe that wipes out all men and most adult women. He finds himself surrounded with teenage girls. His job is to repopulate the planet.
A Story in the Who Were They? Universe
They arrived from deep space and ignored us. When they left, they left scars all over the planet and especially on our souls.
We didn't know who they were or why they came, but when they left, we knew what they had done.