Catharine Willows, a CSI investigator, finds herself suddenly fired from CSI. She's devastated and struggles to find new work. She finally decides to give her old career -- as an exotic dancer -- another try in hopes that she can support herself.
Two couples find mutual sexual delight. (2) The sexual excitement is high as the exotic sexual action between Michael and Anne; and, Garrett and Su Lin continues. Throwing caution aside, the two couples are determined to explore deeper into the vault of secret erotic practices.
A Conqueror's Reward Story (3) This is a story of one of Diun's children named David. Born with a powerful sex drive that would grow into an even more powerful sexual addiction.
Carol King was the lesbian who used to pass as a man. Big Bro procured call girls for her every week. One night, however, he demanded a raise in his commission for obtaining the call girls as her sexual partners. Carol reluctantly made the deal with him before taking Dee as her girlfriend for 72. The prolonged GFE session turned out to be a momentous opportunity for both the girls to accept each other as life partners.
The kagaijin are a race of people who share a common ancestor with modern man, but took a different evolutionary path - a stronger one, in most respects. Prince Tsuyoken is their newest king in training, but every king needs a queen, and he has his sights set on one.
Those scientists finally did it! They invented sex-bots. They're young, they're pretty, and they want it all the time. How wonderful! Now some idiot has gone and made one actually intelligent, actually self aware. This is her story.
Veronica Twizzell - Bra Maker Extraordinaire
Let's look in on a typical day at 'Susan Shaw At Discoveries' to see Veronica Twizzell - Bra Maker Extraordinaire - at work. Just the one customer this afternoon, but she's just what Veronica needs...
Cassie's high school friends want to have a party at her house, but what's she going to do about her mom? She's cool, but not that cool. When Cassie's friends come up with a daring plan it could either be the best party ever, or their worst nightmare! / (Reviews)
This is part of the series about Dan, Vicki, and their family. (5) Part of the Southern Sexual Liberation universe
This story continues to present the lives of Dan, Vicki, Haley, and Michelle, and their children. Trevor has been kicked out of his house by Jamie, leading to some seduction by two very loving women. Meanwhile, Karl repays the debt that he owes Vicki. And somewhere along the way, Dan experiences the twins together at last. Toss in family film night, and you have this particular Sunday in the life of the von Greiner clan. Hold on, it's a wild ride!