He stumbles on his aunt naked in the bathroom and runs away when she sees him. However, she comes to him to show him that there is nothing wrong with nudity.
It started with harsh lying words in her ear and being groped and molested, why would this bully of a woman think I could want her? Perhaps I should tell your husband we are having an affairs said Mrs Anderson to the young wife and mother.
Tom and Sharon have grown up living next door to each other since they were little kids. Now tom is 12, reaching purberty and his pretty little blonde neighbor, Sharon is also beginning to turn into a young woman. And, they get together to compare notes and then do some sexual research for themselves.
A young woman runs away from home. Her destination? The journey itself as she discovers her secret desires to be used as a slut and a whore by strangers...Yeah. It's another love story.
Derek was devastated after his live-in girlfriend Marsha left him. His camping trip with 2 other couples seemed like a good way to shake the blues. It certainly made his long dormant cock come to attention both day and night keeping up with the demands of Carol and Cindy his nympho female camping mates.
A Story in the Steampunk Fantasy Universe
Doctor Sandra is ready to conduct a new experiment but she is all caught up in her fears that her fellow project members are trying to steal her secrets. They are mostly Chinese and seem a bit to inquisitive about her new project...The Wormhole Transmission System. Her new personal assistant Miss Oh is getting closer and closer but Sandra can't help her feelings of desire. It is time for the first trip on the Wormhole Machine.