Road Rage - Cover

Road Rage

by Michele Nylons

Copyright© 2022 by Michele Nylons

Thriller Sex Story: Sassy woman and her docile husband are pulled over on a deserted road by two cops. The woman runs her mouth so the cops take her to an abandoned mine and teach her a lesson she will never forget and make her husband watch.

Caution: This Thriller Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Crime   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   BBW   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   Violence   .

Warning: This story contains ethnic slurs but not as a means of racial vilification but as a means of expressing a sexual fantasy stereotype that some women entertain deep down. That ‘BBC’ does have its attractions. I can tell you from personal experience ;)

David Cashmore dosed in the passenger seat of his wife’s custom yellow BMW M4 Coupe. He was wearing an Armani dinner suit with the tie removed and the collar open. He had drunk too much at the wedding reception and he and his wife Michelle had fought.

She had drunk her fair share of champagne too and had flirted openly with some of the men at the reception. She was wearing a red figure-hugging satin sheath with a plunging neckline and a side split that went from hem to hip. The dress had cost two thousand dollars which David didn’t mind so much but it barely covered his wife.

Michelle was wearing fifteen denier flesh-toned sheer to the waist seamless pantyhose under her dress and transparent, whispy-thin, full-cut nylon panties over them to hide any visible panty line and not spoil the lines of her dress. Her brassiere was equally diaphanous; being childless her breasts were still pert and needed little support.

When Michelle walked, the side-split opened up revealing her magnificent legs from ankle to thigh and whenever she leaned forward her perky globes were openly displayed, her nipples could be easily discerned through the slinky fabric of the dress. She was sex on legs.

In response to Michelle’s open coquettishness David had chatted up one of the bridesmaids. She was a pretty little airhead whom David had no interest in but David listened to her vacuous small talk, standing too close and occasionally reaching out and touching her affectionately like one might pat a dog.

Michelle retaliated by letting a handsome young man steer her outside into a garden nook concealed by rose bushes under the pretext of sneaking a joint. The man was talking earnestly to Michele with his hand on her hip staring dotingly into her emerald-green eyes as Michelle concentrated on rolling the blunt from the baggie of marijuana she had produced from her purse.

Michelle had no interest whatsoever in the vapid fool who thought his incredibly good looks and inherited wealth entitled him to lay claim to any women who took his fancy. She was amused that the idiot didn’t try to hide the erection tenting his trousers as if his engorged cock was some kind of trophy. She lit the joint, took a toke and passed it to the imbecile who was trying hard to get into her panties.

Michelle loved David and they had both worked incredibly hard to obtain the things in life they wanted and to climb to the top of their respective businesses. They loved each other passionately; almost too much, so much so that they sometimes teased each other to garner more affection from the other.

The ensuing fight had been short and bitter. David calling Michelle a shrew for duping the tiresome young Lothario and she calling him a dolt for teasing the pretty air-headed ditz. The reception was winding down in any case and they had a long drive ahead of them.

“Are you ok to drive? We can get a hotel? Do you want to change first?” David had asked Michelle as she stumbled in her Louboutins when the valet delivered her car.

They had both brought a change of clothes in a small suitcase on the back seat; comfortable travelling clothes and sneakers.

“Just get in and shut up David. I’ll take the back roads,” when Michelle climbed into the coupe her dress opened wide enough to show a glimpse of panty and all of her long legs which the valet appreciated as much as the twenty dollar tip she gave him.

David fell asleep when Michelle turned onto the secondary road that would take them home. The route would take longer but in the early hours of the morning there wouldn’t be any traffic and Michelle was a lot less likely to be pulled over and be given a sobriety test.

Michelle looked over at her handsome husband and sighed. Teasing the dolt in the garden and seeing the effect she had on him had turned her on but she would never admit it. Seeing the man’s erect penis pushing against the fabric of his dress trousers had caused her to become a little moist.

She was pissed at David. She didn’t want an argument. She wanted David to express his jealousy by taking her roughly bent over the waist-high brick wall in the nook garden. Claiming her as his possession by using her for his pleasure in a place where they might be seen and not caring if they were.

The gusset of Michelle’s pantyhose absorbed the vaginal secretions the image had induced.

David began to snore and Michelle became angrier. She cursed and put her foot down a little harder on the gas pedal. She pushed the BMW up to 100MPH, nearly twice the legal limit.

Delray Higgins and Joseph Washington sat in their cruiser enjoying the peace and quiet that was about the only dividend of working the graveyard shift.

They were both seasoned Highway Patrolmen in their early forties and by now should have risen through the ranks and have comfortable daytime desk jobs but the truth was that they loved being out on the highway protecting and serving.

There was also the little glitch that both Delray and Joseph had a string of misconduct offences in their jackets, the most common being unlawful search and seizure and use of excessive force. Delray was a sandy-haired white man who was six feet of muscle that was turning to fat from too many rest stop burgers and 12 ounce Budweisers. Joseph was four inches taller than Delray and had been a college jock who kept up a workout routine in his home gym. He liked to look at his oiled-up dark-skinned muscles in his full-length mirror while he curled weights.

Both men were divorced and had been screwed in the settlements and as well as being best friends, they both harboured a dislike of what they called ‘sassy women’. An example being their shift sergeant who was a young-thirties attractive black woman with a fine figure, big ass, big tits and shapely legs which she liked to show off in her tailored police uniform. Being office bound she wore a skirt and nylons rather than pants and strutted around the office with her head held high with a ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude.

“That bitch needs someone to fuck the sass outta her,” Delray Higgins growled at the end of every pre-shift briefing and Joseph Washington always gave him a high five in return.

Their respective ex-wives were also on their list of sassy women. The women had enraged their ex-husbands by getting it together: having some work done on their bodies, joining a gym, undertaking expensive beauty regimes and marrying handsome moneyed businessmen.

Delray was dozing in the driver’s seat and Joseph was studying his iPad and had his airbuds in. He was watching a porn video he had downloaded where a gorgeous voluptuous white business woman was being ravaged over her office desk by a well-endowed black man. The premise being that the woman, dressed in a navy-blue short-skirted business suit, nylons and fuck-me heels, was unjustly berating a subordinate in her office until he finally cracked and threw the woman on the desk, tore out the crotch of her pantyhose and began to fuck her viciously.

Being a porn movie the woman had at first protested and then finally succumbed when the huge black member being thrust in and out of her juicy cunt began to trigger her pleasure centres and she stopped fighting the man and began to encourage him.

It was cliché but it was the kind of porn that got Joseph off. He had a whole library of the stuff downloaded on his iPad. There was no wifi or mobile coverage out on the country roads where he and Delray patrolled. Joseph liked white women, pantyhose and lingerie and fucking hard. As he got older he still did ok around the singles bars of Balwyn Texas but finding women who were willing to wear pantyhose when he fucked them was getting harder.

Delray was dreaming of his ex-wife, recalling their wedding day or more precisely their wedding night, when he had thrown Marie on the big hotel bed and ravaged her in her wedding dress. She had protested and pleaded with him to at least let her take off her nylons and heels but Delray would have nothing of it. He liked fucking his wife in nylons and heels and she stopped complaining real quick when he put his head under that white lace tulle dress and lapped her pussy.

He often thought that maybe if their sex life hadn’t tapered off to a quickie once a month they might still be married.

It was just then that Michelle Cashmore’s BMW blew past the police cruiser.

Joseph dropped his iPad in his lap and snatched up the radar gun and clocked the BMW at 105MPH. He dug Delray in the ribs.

“Lights and siren buddy we got one,” Joseph growled.

Delray was a light sleeper anyway and being a cop for so many years he had developed the ability to come out of a doze and be instantly alert. He started the cruiser, hit the lights and sirens and pulled onto the blacktop leaving behind a spray of gravel.

Delray saw the taillights of BMW in the distance down the dead-straight road and he planted his foot and brought the cruiser up to 130MPH and began to gain on the speeding coupe.

Michelle saw the light bar on the police cruiser in her rear-view mirror and her immediate response was to take her foot off the gas. She had been raised to be a law abiding citizen and when she was learning to drive her instructor had drilled into her that if see or hear lights and sirens you should reduce your speed and pull over if necessary.

The instructor was a wily old fox in his fifties who wore Old Spice and cravats and she had thought him harmless until the third day of instruction when he had put his hand on her thigh and told Michelle that if she climbed in the back with him he would give her a Texas Driver Education Certificate right then and there and would guarantee that she would pass her written exam and behind-the-wheel exam because he had a connection in the DPS.

Eighteen year old Michelle had thought about that for exactly two seconds before she pulled over into a quiet cul-de-sac and jumped in the back seat with the old codger and sat on his lap. She didn’t even need to take her panties off. The old guy just eased aside the gusset and slipped his little throbbing dickie inside her and spunked in her on his third thrust. It was that easy. Of course she had to blow the testing officer on the day of the practical test.

By then Michelle was in college and had come to realise that her good looks, voluptuous body and what she had between her legs were commodities that could be traded for all sorts of favours but even now she still couldn’t stand the smell of Old Spice. It reminded her old men’s cocks and her driving instructor breathing heavily on the back of her neck while he rammed his wrinkled old todger into her tight young pussy.

Michelle had slowed to fifty by the time the cruiser was close enough that she could hear the blare of the siren and David came out of his stupor.

“What the fuck Michelle?” he craned his neck and saw the police car approaching from behind.

“Don’t fucking start David; I’m not in the mood,” Michelle snapped at her husband.

Michelle was fuming ... barking mad.

The cruiser pulled alongside her and Joseph Washington glared angrily at her and indicted for her to pull over.

“What are you waiting for Michelle? Pull the fuck over!” David yelled at his wife.

“Fuck you and fuck the cops!” Michelle growled and gave Joseph Washington the finger.

She slammed her foot down on the accelerator and raced away from the police vehicle paying no attention to her husband’s pleas for her to pull over and stop.

“Fucking bitch!” Joseph snarled.

“I’ll get her Joe and when we pull her over she’s going to be sorry for showing us that sass,” Delray nodded at his partner and accelerated.

“Michelle! Stop this shit! Pull the fuck over right now!” David screamed at his wife.

Michelle didn’t reply. She was concentrating on keeping the speeding coupe on the long straight road, her headlights creating a cone of brilliant white light in the pitch dark. Hitting a straying deer, a coyote or even an armadillo would have unthinkable consequences at the speed she was going.

The alcoholic and cannabinoid buzz that had fuelled her temper was beginning to wear off and she realised the gravity of the situation. The BMW could outrun the cruiser on the dead straight road but that was the problem. The highway was dead straight with nowhere for her to turn off and lose the pursuing police car.

Suddenly out on the right she saw a dirt road. She glanced at the BMW’s navigation system but the tertiary road wasn’t on the screen.

“Fuck it!” Michelle bit her lip and turned the wheel at the last minute and careened down the gravel road.

“We got the bitch now!” Delray grinned as he made the turn behind her.

“Nowhere for her to go now,” Joseph chuckled; a little disappointed that the pursuit would soon be over.

Michelle realised she had made a stupid decision when a sign flashed by that read ‘Destiny Mine -- Keep Out!’ and she pulled into a dead end that culminated in a dusty, weed-strewn quadrangle. She tried to execute a U-turn but succeeded only in putting the BMW into a sideways skid and stalling the engine.

The police cruiser skidded to stop directly in front of the BMW cutting off any means of escape and Delray and Joseph leapt out the doors quicker than jackrabbits.

“Get out of the fuckin’ car,” Joseph growled as he wrenched the driver’s side door open.

“You too shithead!” Delray opened the passenger door and reached in and grabbed David Cashmore by the shoulder.

Traffic stop protocols were completely forgotten and ignored by Joseph and Delray because they were so angry.

David struggled with his seatbelt and when he finally got it unbuckled Delray cursed and dragged him out of the BMW and slammed against the car. It took Delray only one second to realise he was dealing with an affluent spoiled asshole in a thousand dollar suit with a three hundred dollar haircut who was probably used to telling other people what to do.

“Keep fucking still and show me those hands,” Delray used his considerable weight to press David against the car while he wrenched David’s hands behind his back and snapped the handcuffs on his wrists with practiced ease.

David said nothing. He was still too dazed and confused by the whole situation.

“Get your ass out here!” Joseph snarled at Michelle who was frozen in situ with her hands clutching the steering wheel.

“Fuck you asshole. Don’t you talk to me that way,” Michelle groused, breathing heavily.

Joseph reached into the car and began to unbuckle Michelle’s seatbelt and she batted at his hands frantically trying to stop him.

“Don’t touch me nigger!” Jennifer spat and instantly realised she had gone too far.

Joseph had unbuckled her belt and he reached in with both hands and lifted Michelle out of the car and held her up with her feet off the ground with her back to him while she kicked out viciously with her heels.

He dropped Michelle to her feet, spun her around to face the BMW and slammed his body against her to hold her against the car while she wriggled and writhed and tried to break free.

“Keep still bitch or you gonna get hurt!” Joseph grunted as he tried to hold Michelle still against the vehicle while he reached for his cuffs.

“Stop fighting Michelle and do what you’re told,” David called across the roof.

Delray slammed David’s head into the roof of the car dazing him.

“You speak when I tell you to Mister!” Delray growled.

“But your husband is right. Cut that shit out!” Delray called out, patting David down and relieving him of his wallet.

“Fuck you coppers! My lawyer will be all over both of you. This is assault!” Michelle screamed.

“No; this is assault,” Joseph whispered in Michele’s ear and slipped his hand inside the split of her dress up between her legs, found her pudenda and squeezed hard.

A fiery pain shot up through Michelle’s midriff and she gasped and stopped struggling, collapsing against the car with the wind taken out of her.

“A little trick I learned during the recent race riots. Works just as well on women as it does on men,” Joseph whispered in her ear.

Michelle was splayed against the car panting, trying to catch her breath. Joseph had his knee between her legs to keep them spread wide and clutched her hands behind her back while her reached for his cuffs and slammed them closed tight around her wrists.

Finally there was silence and the participants in the drama were able to look around and take stock of the situation. The night was pitch black, the only source of light a hazy phosphorescent security lamp on a single pole at the edge of dusty gravel rectangle. An old rusting truck body stripped any useful parts was parked in one corner of the quadrangle. Ancient rusty mining equipment lay scattered in the prairie grass and weeds at the edges of the quad. A decrepit wooden shack sat rotting on the edge of path that led to a boarded up mine entrance that had a sign warning: DANGER - DO NOT ENTER.

“I want my lawyer you fucker,” Michelle hissed.

She had finally got her breathing under control and the pain in her lower belly was subsiding.

“I want to be lying on a beach surrounded by palm trees where pretty waitresses in string bikinis bring me drinks with little umbrellas in them; but I aint getting that either,” Joseph tugged on the cuffs making Michelle wince.

“Settle down Michelle. I’m sure we can work this out with these accommodating law enforcement officers. This has all been a big mistake. A misunderstanding if you will. You can take your ticket and we can all go on our way,” David tried to sound confident.

“This is more than a speeding ticket, numb-nuts. Your bitch of a wife failed to stop, evaded police, drove dangerously and resisted arrest and I’m betting she will fail a field sobriety test,” Delray twisted David’s ear making him squeal.

“Leave him alone! This is assault! This is police brutality!” Michelle began to struggle again and Joseph pressed his body hard against her to hold her against the car.

“Take a look around. There’s no one around for miles. There are no witnesses. It’s your word against ours. The word of two drunk spoiled rich fucks against two highly decorated senior police officers and this is Balwyn Texas not some milksop pinko place run by hippies and free-thinking wackadoodles,” Delray twisted David’s arms to make his point.

“My colleague is right. We can do whatever we want to you two fucks and no one will ever know,” Joseph thrust his groin against Michelle’s buttocks and for the first time she could feel the girth of his cock through his trousers.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Michelle screamed.

“I’m going to search you which is my right and is the correct protocol for someone who has resisted arrest and is about to be taken into custody,” Joseph whispered into Michelle’s ear and ground his cock against her ass.

There was no mistaking what was rubbing on her buttocks through her satin gown and slinky underwear. The policeman was erect and his member felt enormous.

Michelle struggled against Joseph but she soon realised that writhing her ass against him was doing nothing more than stimulating him and she stopped.

“Don’t touch me nigger,” she whispered in her haughty threatening tone.

“Don’t you...” Michelle stopped talking when she felt Joseph’s hand slide inside her dress and caress her long legs.

He started at her knees and his fingers slowly slid along her thighs on up to the V of her crotch where they lingered on her buttocks. Michelle was too shocked to protest.

Joseph was delighted to find the woman was wearing silky-sheer pantyhose under her soft satin dress. Most women nowadays eschewed nylons and Joseph was quite enthralled to find this pompous bitch wearing his favourite garment. He was even more beguiled to find Michelle was wearing delicate seamless flimsy panties over her pantyhose.

His cock became harder and to Michelle it felt like an anaconda was uncoiling against her ass.

“Stop that,” Michelle breathed, fear replacing her anger and resentment.

Joseph’s fingers traced the outline of Michelle’s pubis briefly before they snaked across her belly past the waistband of her pantyhose and continued up her torso to her breasts sitting snuggly in her whispy brassiere. Joseph hefted her globes in his hands and then he tweaked Michelle’s nipples making her gasp.

Delray could see what Joseph was doing and he baulked. He could see his partner’s hands inside the woman’s dress molesting her breasts and the look of fear and panic on the woman’s face. So could David and he began to squirm.

“Don’t you touch my wife!” David squealed, sounding like a petulant schoolgirl.

Delray hefted up on the handcuffs securing David’s wrists causing him extreme pain and he shut up.

“Ok there partner. Maybe that’s enough. Maybe we give these people their fines and summonses and send them on their way,” Delray gave Joseph a knowing look.

The two cops word would be taken against any protestations the couple made about Michelle’s reckless and dangerous driving, her speeding and resisting arrest but the ‘Me Too’ brigade would be more than happy to come running to her aid if she claimed any form of sexual misconduct against her.

“Fuck this bitch. She resisted. Now she’s gettin’ searched,” Joseph growled and pressed his cock harder into her buttocks.

This time there was definitely no mistaking that Joseph was grinding his cock into Michelle’s ass, she could feel it unfurling, lying in the crevice of her buttocks like an iron bar.

“Please stop,” Michelle whispered, close to tears.

Joseph pressed his cock against Michelle’s soft ass and then he took a step back and spun her around to face him, pushing her back against the car so she wouldn’t fall.

“Let’s see what we got here,” Joseph studied Michelle under the light of the phosphorescent security lamp.

Delray dragged David along with him as he stepped around to the driver’s side of the BMW so he too could take a good look at Michelle.

She had a voluptuous figure, wide at the hips, slim waist, a little belly bulge, and pert breasts; but her best assets were her legs and ass. Her buttocks were plump and firm and her legs long and shapely, accentuated by the sheer pantyhose. Joseph lifted her chin so he could see her face. Michelle was beautiful: shoulder-length, bob-cut black hair with bangs resting above her smoky eyes. She’d had her makeup done professionally before setting out for the wedding; long mascaraed lashes, manicured eyebrows, heavy black eyeliner, rouged cheeks and bright red lipstick. She wore an emerald encrusted choker necklace, matching earrings and bracelets on her wrists. On her left hand she wore emerald engagement and eternity rings either side of her wedding band.

“All the sass gone out of you now bitch. Call me a nigger now you cunt,” Joseph’s face was so close to hers that Michelle could feel his breath on her face.

Michelle’s head sagged again, her chin resting on her chest as she began to cry.

Joseph lifted Michelle’s head forcefully and looked her in the eyes.

“Go on. Call me a nigger again!” Joseph growled.

Michele studied Joseph’s face. He looked like an actor she liked: Denzel Washington. His face was handsome; more than handsome his face was gorgeous. Despite her use of the ‘N’ word Michelle was not really a racist. She had used the word to taunt him, to anger and provoke him. She could see that his tall frame was well-muscled under his tight uniform and he appeared to be self-confident, powerful, and assertive. Sometimes she wished David had those attributes.

Her eyes followed the lines of his body down to his trim waist and then involuntarily came to rest on his crotch.

There was a huge bulge in his tight uniform trousers. It looked like someone had stuffed a python down his pants. It seemed to pulse and twist even as she looked at it.

She tore her face away and saw the smirk on Joseph’s face.

Joseph reached into the car and snatched up Michelle’s little clutch and shook the contents onto the driver’s seat. His saw the little baggie of dried green plant material and the package of Rizla rolling papers.

“What do we have here?” Joseph smiled at Michelle, holding up the little baggie.

“Hey that was an unlawful search! You have no right...” David called out but Delray punched him in the gut and the breath flew out of him.

“Well what is it Michelle? Is that your name?” Joseph snatched Michelle’s driver’s licence and held it up to the light and studied it.

She lowered her head again but her eyes went straight to the huge bulge in his crotch and she snapped her eyes away.

“You like what you see Michelle? You fancy some of that black anaconda; despite your derogatory comments?” Joseph sniggered.

“I’m sorry. I apologise,” Michelle swallowed.

There was not an ounce of sincerity in her voice and Delray Higgins and Joseph Washington could hear it. Even David Cashmore could tell his wife was being unctuous.

“That grass alone is a Class B misdemeanour and could cost you 180 days in jail and a fine of as much as $2,000, or possibly both. Evading and resisting arrest is gonna cost you two years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Then we add the speeding fines,” Delray called out.

Delray wanted to deescalate the situation as far as his partner’s threats of sexual aggression were concerned. He would prefer they just deal with the law and order issues as much as he thought that Michelle Cashmore was a sassy bitch who he would gladly fuck the sass out of given the proper circumstances.

“You can’t make the grass count stick. That was an unlawful search and seizure and you have already used excessive force. Why don’t you just issue us the speeding tickets and let us go?” David pleaded.

Delray was actually contemplating doing exactly what David was proposing. They had had there fun with the two rich, entitled assholes and scared the shit of them. Hell; Joe had even got to feel the bitch up a little! Time to let them go and move on.

And that’s how thing might have played out if Michelle had been able to keep her big mouth shut.

“You fuckin’ hokey Barney Fifes! You fuckin’ hillbilly smokies! Fuck my apology! I take it back! You can’t charge us with shit except for speeding. When I tell your superiors that you felt me up it will be you who faces the man!” Michelle had read her husband wrong.

David was trying to negotiate but Michelle was trying to intimidate.

“Is that right you fuckin’ bitch? Well let me take you aside and see what we can negotiate,” Joseph grabbed Michelle by her cuffed wrists and pushed her ahead of him towards the shack.

Delray pushed David into the cruiser and handcuffed him to the steel ring fitted to the deck.

“Where is he taking my wife? What the fuck is going on?” David called out, whining as Delray slammed the car door shut.

“Hey, hey, hey Joe ... I think we’ve taken this far enough. Let’s fine these fuckers and hit the road,” Delray walked beside his partner who was pushing the complaining, whining white bitch ahead of him.

“You keep an eye on her asshole husband. I’ll call you in when it’s time for your share,” Joseph barked at his partner.

“Ok Joe; the joke has gone far enough. Let the bitch go now!” Delray put his hand on Joseph’s shoulder and Joseph shrugged it off and glared at his partner.

“Go and look after that whining schoolgirl. I got business with his wife,” Joseph growled and Delray backed off.

As much as Delray was a big guy, Joe was bigger and a lot fitter. Delray reluctantly returned to the cruiser.

Joseph kicked open the door to the shack and felt around the door surround until he found a light switch. A single, dirty bare bulb hung from the ceiling provided the feeblest amount of light. Joseph pushed Michelle ahead of him and although she hadn’t stopped whining she was too busy trying not to fall down as she staggered in her high heels trying not to collide with the furniture.

Anything of value appeared to have been taken away when the mine closed and everything that remained appeared to be vandalised. The place smelt musty; a lingering stench of mildew, stale cigarettes, stale liquor and a faint undercurrent of ancient rotting food. The filthy floor was littered with beer and liquor bottles, drug paraphernalia, cigarette butts and decaying used condoms.

Several pairs of panties were nailed in a line across one wall and the joker who had pinned them to the wall had scribed graffiti on the wall besides the undergarments: ‘All the girls I fucked in this place left me a souvenir’ with an arrow pointing to the panties.

Beside the panties, old pin-up girl calendars and advertising posters had been hung from the wall, probably by the miners in an effort to provide cheap decoration and cheer up the bare wooden walls. Besides the usual advertisements for cigarettes, beer, motor oil, trucks and mining equipment and other products one would expect in a male-only mine head there was a 1984 advertising poster featuring Joyce DeWitt promoting L’eggs Sheer Elegance Pantyhose. The caption for the ad read ‘Sheer Elegance - the pantyhose that looks and feels like real silk’. Someone had drawn an ejaculating penis next to Joyce with a sharpie so that it appeared to be coming on her face.

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