Fan fiction inspired by "Summer Holiday," by TxCathy15. Read her story first. Micol grew up, but not without some pain. As she told Roberto, "I think I had to find you, Roberto, before I could find my way back to Momma."
The prospect of the 10th High School reunion positively turned Stephanie Carson off. In High School, she'd been fat and not part of anyone's 'in' crowd. But now, she was reminded by her friend Joan, she'd changed, had worked at it. Joan thought she should go and show herself off. She agreed finally. The reunion turned out to be exciting, with one bore to deal with and a Marine Colonel to become reacquainted with.
It was nearly midnight on Christmas Eve and Sherry was feeling totally out of sorts, facing a Christmas Day on her own once again, which wasn't at all what she had planned. With nothing better to do she had retired to bed early, but no sooner had her head touched the pillow when there was a loud banging on the front door of her cottage.