A virgin teenage boy is taken for sex therapy to cure his excessive masturbation. The therapist requires him to practice doing things with females using his mother and his sister for homework. She then provides a love doll for him to do further training on. The story involves extreme humiliation for the boy, but also lots of pleasure for him.
A boy genius decides it would be good to be king. He sets about making it so. While he is an ABSOLUTE monarch, he is not a sadist. In fact, his favorite activity is helping pretty girls reach orgasm. He applies his scientific mind to making his kingdom a good place to live.
NOTE: This story is not about zoophilia. It is a tongue-in-cheek reference to using Animal Husbandry techniques to breed a better human.
This is my very true story. I was introduced to sex by my older cousin. He made me his slut, even sharing me with his friends. That chartered the course for the rest of my life. Wendy K