A 1973 Story Dave and Steve head off to the woods to jack off using a stack of borrowed Playboys. Little do they know they are being watched by two inquisitive girls. Everyone gets educated.
Henry wants to be a girl. Hailey wants to be a boy. Hailey has the advantage in that she knows switching sexes is possible, though she can't trigger the change herself. Only Henry can do that, and he is unaware of the ability until he inadvertently wishes upon a star. Even then, it's a touch and go thing, because he doesn't know what's going on. Another in my series of boys home alone for the weekend, with the usual series of misadventures. Not for the homophobic as Henry is gender-confused.
This story was written as a joke for a friend (Angie E.) and not intended for publication. However Angie insisted that it was too good to keep to ourselves and it should be published on SOL. So here goes. If you like it, I claim all the credit for writiong it. If you don't like it, blame Angie for talking me into publishing it. In the story Angie Medhurst has sexual enclounters with the stars of Harry Potter stories and a magic dildo.
Samantha takes Mr. Burns up on his offer to take her virginity. But once isn't enough, so she goes back again and again. His secret in retaining her strong interest is revealed much later.