Joey is a young adolescent teen who lives with his mother who has never been married. This story is about how Joey got his first fuck from his mom and their life together after that seminal event.
Teenage Emily has to put her life on hold to help out on her uncle's dairy farm. Problem is, her uncle isn't looking for farmhands, he's looking for cows.
As a young male growing up on a farm in Colorado, interaction with members of the opposite sex were limited. Luckily, I had a few cousins to keep me company.
He was 17 years old and she was 16. He had been asking her out since he got his drivers license, then she surprised him by saying "YES". A good meal and some good music led to some passion on his lounge couch. When she returned from the bathroom nude, and sat on his lap he knew that things may happen if he played his cards right.
A story in the Trainor thread (1) Part of the God joined together universe
Andy Trainor did great in the classes he cared about, and decently in the others. Now, if only human relationships were as easy. Then, he had to fall for the prettiest girl in his high school, and one of the more popular, too.
A Story in the Naked In School Universe
Title inspired by Elton John's song, though little else. It's the last week before Christmas, and the Naked In School program isn't suspended just because of the holidays. In fact, two step-siblings are chosen to be in the Program, naked in front of each other for the first time since their folks wed.