BUGS! BIG HORNY BUGS! Teen girls. (you've been warned) (extra warning: AI was used in the creation of this story. But I wrote the great majority, ~80%. Is this experiment worth it? You tell me)
This is part of the Libertine series. (2) Part of the Massachusetts Family Love universe
This is a spin-off from the Hank serial, which begins to describe life for Reginald, Sally's narrow-minded ex, who is turned into a sex slave and gigolo for Sally's half-sister Candy and Candy's half-brother/beau Lewis.
I've never even been in a recreational vehicle (RV) before so imagine being crammed inside one with my adulterous school administrator and his family so they could save money on a hotel. Thank goodness I had time run around the park on my own one day - stopping now and then for some fun.
Sex was the main interest in Watertown, a plain and small rural community with no places for entertainment. Kim Marlow, a local teen participated eagerly in all these entertaining activities and succeded in making everybody around her quite satiate.