A tale of deception and blackmail that goes very wrong. When a teenage heartthrob and basketball prodigy finds a way, even one so devious, to get into his pious girlfriend's panties he takes it, never thinking about any possible consequences until it was too late.
Trust, once lost, often cannot be regained. Beware former friends bearing gifts -- especially the kind that come in vials. Stephanie only thought she and Tony were still friends, but he knew better and was about to do something about it.
The neighbor lady that Tim Murphy played with, his sex object, Mrs Winfield, moved away and Tim was in a funk. Then he had an encounter with his Teacher Ms Karney. But this relationship was discovered by his Mom Judy, who decided to intervene but then was added to Tim's stable.
A young 16 year old girl makes a bet with her friends, which they do a lot. But this time when she lost, they blackmail her and make her perform many sexual acts.
Beasts, Movie, Moon and Myth. Grace's adventures into the world of debauchery, bestiality, and incest comes to a shocking conclusion. Not before she stars in a porno movie and becomes the Queen Beast. A far cry from her normal life painting portraits and landscapes, with a few erotic paintings thrown in by request. The story leaves the question - did Grace really die or is she......?
A Naked Olympics Story (2) Naked diving becomes the rage and the girls take things to the extreme to win gold at the Olympics. You should read Naked Diving 1 first.