A virgin teenage boy is taken for sex therapy to cure his excessive masturbation. The therapist requires him to practice doing things with females using his mother and his sister for homework. She then provides a love doll for him to do further training on. The story involves extreme humiliation for the boy, but also lots of pleasure for him.
This is part of the series about Dan, Vicki, and their family. (5) Part of the Southern Sexual Liberation universe
This story continues to present the lives of Dan, Vicki, Haley, and Michelle, and their children. Trevor has been kicked out of his house by Jamie, leading to some seduction by two very loving women. Meanwhile, Karl repays the debt that he owes Vicki. And somewhere along the way, Dan experiences the twins together at last. Toss in family film night, and you have this particular Sunday in the life of the von Greiner clan. Hold on, it's a wild ride!
A college boy returns home and seduces his attractive Mom.
As a lone parent she is torn between her natural urges and being a respectable mother. But it leads her to another world of SUB-DOM Lesbian-love and even horse- sex when she enters Iris's upper-class ways in leafy Hampshire: England.
A measured yarn that hopes to entertain its reader.
Thanks : J L
I'm a clinical psychologist whose quixotic goal is to become a screenwriter. Not that I'd give up my day job. I'd like to use my private consultation experience to create a Netflix-type of series. The seven case studies I describe here comprise an interesting subset of incest. Each one involves a mother who actively enables her son's sex life. IDs are disguised, but all the sexual activity did occur. I am required to report things such as child abuse. I alone define abuse.
A tryst with a mysterious blonde turns a self-made (mostly) bachelor's life around, as he learns of his true origins and discovers that his mother is a Greek goddess who left me a special blessing, the gift that gives him power over anyone who he kisses on the mouth.