Jenny has been framed for drugs by her boyfriend. She goes to prison where she meets Roxie, another prisoner who has been in for a long time already. She befriends Jenny and offers her protection... and more!
A story in the This Naked World Universe
A middle aged man’s Nudist Lifestyle gets suddenly very interesting when he meets a few more Nudists and a woman that looks identical to an old flame from his youth. The story is quite a gentle read without an over abundance of sex but more of a focus on matters of the heart. It has only 12 mostly short chapters that should only take an hour or two to get through at the most.
Hannah Ridgeway is having her teeth x-rayed for braces. While under the heavy lead blanket she fantasizes sex with her husband. This is just something I have been playing around with...not a serious storym, just a lark.
A mature slut and exhibitionist recalls the major events in her life that led her to be what she is today. From teenage coming of age and trauma to willing adult with unrestrained degradation and humiliation vital to her sexual persona
A story in the Night of Madness Universe
It has been two years since the Night of Madness, and Tina has settled into her new life. But now divorced, she meets one of her regular customers and gets an offer she can't refuse.
Troy and I were best friends. When puberty hit all we could talk about was sex with girls, pussy and blowjobs. We watched porn in my room after school. It got to the point when we noticed our large bulges in our jeans, and how it would feel great to jack off. So....we did.
Master's girl has a friend who has expressed an interest in learning about D/s. But she'd like to observe a little before jumping into it. So she comes over one weekend to watch them together... and likes what she sees!