Accidental Lovers is a story in three parts, each part can standalone, but all come together in the end. In the first part, young Tommy Roberts is bedridden after an accident, and must be cared for by his younger sister. Curiosity gets the better of both teens and soon their homeschooling becomes a hands-on lesson.
Penises don't come with a size label on them so how's a boy supposed to know? Looking at porn you might be forgiven for thinking that they're all eight inches long.
Don's young life takes a drastic turn when circumstances make it necessary to move in with his natural father, the redeeming factor is meeting his sister Jordon. A strong bond develops between them. As usual a very touching love story. Enjoy.
When my adult niece called, sounding upset, and asked if she could come stay with me for a while, of course I said yes. It was only supposed to be until she could get her feet under her from a marriage gone wrong. The problem is, she couldn't get her feet under her. That's because I kept her in bed.
Dil's just rocking along in a relationship with a girl who's good enough. Her best friend, though, is what he's thinking about, but he knows he shouldn't, because she's in a relationship of her own. But things get complicated sometimes. / (Reviews)